Thursday 12 July 2012

Sherbet has the most wonderful news !

I have the most wonderful news today.  The postman with the red van brought me a letter from Kathy cat and Oh, what good news !  She told me that Kizzy horse has recovered !  Her wounds have all healed and she is eating her food again.  The best thing of all is that Kathy cat can ride her again in the forest.  Kizzy is so happy to be able to walk properly again and Kathy is delighted to be able to ride her old friend again.  I am so very happy for them both as I have been so worried for Kizzy.  She is not a young horse anymore and I was very afraid that she would not regain her strength after her fall.  She is a very brave and strong horse.  Hooray, Hooray, Hooray,  Kizzy horse is well again ! Thank you to everyone who wished her well. Love Sherbetx

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