Tuesday 3 July 2012

Sherbet has delightful memories of the seaside

Oh, hello Everyone,  I am still dreaming about the wonderful time I had at the seaside with my old friend Sheila Sheep. I must tell you that I actually went into the sea, it was a bit cold but I put my head under the water and could not believe my eyes when I saw lots of  beautiful, rainbow coloured fish swim right past my nose. I was a little afraid that my wool would soak up all of the seawater and make my head  too heavy to lift out again but it was OK, I managed to pull my head up. When I did though I felt something tickling my ears, Sheila Sheep told me I had seaweed stuck to my wool and she very kindly picked it all off for me so that I would not look silly walking home. Anyway I must also tell you that I did find Fifi Fish again as I had hoped I would. I went to the exact same spot on the beach where I first met her, I called her name and up she popped out of the water. How wonderful to see her again, how delightful to see her little fishy face smiling at me. We had a lovely chat together and I told her I would visit her again next time I came to the seaside, unfortunately she cannot visit me as she cannot stay out of the water for long,  but if she could get to Clover Cottage I do have my garden pond that she could stay in, I am sure my frogs would welcome her.  Back to my lovely seaside memories, I had such a relaxing time with Sheila Sheep, we had lovely long walks on the beach and we sat in the sand dunes eating delicious picnics. I have to tell you though that when the wind blew sand into my sandwich I did not at all enjoy eating the crunchy sandy bits that stuck to my bread. Not yummy at all! The weather was just perfect though, not hot and not cold, just lovely, breezy, soft wind blowing my woolly coat around. It was the kind of weather that makes me feel truly blessed to be alive. Ah, how wonderful to be living on this planet Earth with all of it's rainbow coloured happenings.  We are all so blessed. Love from Sherbetx

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