Thursday 14 June 2012

Sherbet is going to knit with rainbow coloured wool today

Today, I am going to do something very different.
I have been invited to a special event for Worldwide Knit In Public Day.  I imagine I have been chosen to attend this lovely gathering because I am covered in wool, maybe they will need me if they run out of wool for their knitting needles.
I am going to put on some of my new clothes that Kathy cat made me and I am going to pack up some knitting needles and rainbow coloured wool ( borrowed from Pearl) I will put it all in my bicycle basket along with some orange juice and I will ride my bike to another village a little bit far far away from Clover Cottage to join in a special day where I will sit and knit in public!
 Oh what a happy day I will have sitting there, knitting in the middle of a village square. I have been told there will be cakes to eat so I will not need to take my picnic with me. It is all very exciting!
I am sure to meet lots of new friends. It would be so wonderful to see you all there.  Don't forget to bring your knitting needles. Love from Sherbetx


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it Sherbet!!!

thecrazysheeplady said...

I wish I could join you! Have fun and I love your outfit :-).