Sunday 17 June 2012

Sherbet is going to have a wonderful Sunday.

Happy Sunday to everyone, may your day be filled with sun - as it should be on a Sunday. The weather here at Clover Cottage is wonderful, one of those perfect days where it is warm but breezy at the same time. I am not hot and I am not cold I am just right, In fact I feel like the porridge in the story of the 3 bears.
 I am just about to go for a lovely walk in the meadows around Wiggleway Lane. I do so love to be around all of the wild flowers and to sit in the long grass. I am going to take my picnic with me and just relax. I will sit in silence and listen for the buzzing bees and the tweeting birds. If I am lucky I will find some frogs too, to croak near to me. Oh what a pleasant day I will have. I wish all of you out there both near and far far away a wonderful, pleasant, bird tweeting, bee buzzing, frog croaking ( if you are lucky)  relaxing day just like mine . Love from Sherbetx

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