Tuesday 26 June 2012

Sherbet loves to sit in silence

I just feel like sitting in my garden today.
I love to just sit here in silence. I love to just empty all of the thoughts out of my mind and leave a big space in there and just wait to see what comes into my head!  Sometimes when I am sitting here like this, the most wonderful ideas pop into my head,  it's a bit like those times at 4 am in the morning when I wake up to find I have written a poem in my head and I just have to write it down quickly in the notebook I keep by my bed, before I forget it.
 So, goodbye for now, I wish you all a lovely quiet day full of rainbow coloured blessings.  I am going to sit here quietly in my garden at Clover Cottage.  I do so hope it doesn't rain.  Love from Sherbetx

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