Saturday 9 June 2012

Sherbet has two pieces of good news.

Oh what a beautiful day it is today. Just the right amount of breeze and the right amount of sun and the right amount of rainbow coloured happiness in the atmosphere around Clover Cottage.  I have two pieces of good news today. First, when I went out to inspect my garden for naughty caterpillars this morning, they had all disappeared! What a relief that I do not have to worry about them anymore. The second piece of good news is that my strawberry plant had made it's very first ripe, red strawberry. I picked it and ate it very slowly, delighting in it's deliciousness. I see that there is another strawberry not far behind that one and I am so looking forward to it ripening so that I can have one more strawberry.  The weather has been just perfect lately and there has been just the right amount of rain to water my garden. I do hope it continues that way, it helps my strawberries to grow, soon there will be enough to give to Pearl for a new batch of strawberry jam. Yummy, I can just picture it now, toast, butter and home made strawberry jam for breakfast.  I am so blessed to have such wonderful jam to look forward to and I am blessed also to have a wonderful friend like Pearl to make it for me.  Love from Sherbetx

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