Tuesday 19 June 2012

Sherbet has some exciting news about tomorrow

 Here at Clover Cottage, it has not rained for quite a few days and I woke up worried about my one pink rose. After eating some delicious toast ( with my favourite home made bread left over from yesterday) with Pearl's home made blackberry preserve, I rushed into my garden to check on my rose and sure enough there was the poor little thing all wilted from lack of water. What a sad sight to behold! I ran to get my pink watering can, filled it with water and gave my dear, precious rose a wonderful long drink of water. It felt my love and I saw that it started to revive at once. It stood straight and proud again, splendid against the blue sky. Oh what a delight to see my rose back to complete health again!
 I must tell you some exciting news. Tomorrow, Pearl will have a lovely road side stall full of her delicious home made produce and I invite you all to join me there. It is in the countryside near the other end of Wiggleway Lane, past the wooden village sign and opposite the big old oak tree. Pearl really does make the most scrumptious things and I know you all will enjoy the delightful sight of all her products on her stall. It will be truly magnificent! I do hope to see you all there. Love from Sherbetx

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