Monday 25 June 2012

Sherbet has good news about the mystery sheep

Hello everyone, Do you remember I told you about the mystery sheep that I found in my garden?
 Well, she has been staying with me for a few days as she seemed to be a little lost sheep. She has been having a wonderful time leaping about in the daisies here in my garden at Clover Cottage and she has certainly enjoyed sharing Pearl's delicious home made jam and scrumptious bread with me, she has not been the least bit worried.  She is very young.  I have asked my sheep friends from far far away if they were missing a sheep but she did not seem to be missed by anyone. I decided to ask the farmer at Greengate farm if he knew her. Good news came today.  He has just told me that a little sheep has been missing from another farm all the way over the other side of the hills, far away from Wiggleway Lane. Oh my goodness, no wonder she was so tired when she arrived here, she must have walked for ages. The farmer has kindly offered to take her back for me as she would not fit in my bicycle basket and there is only one seat on my bike. This afternoon I will say goodbye to her, I will miss her as she was very nice company but I am so happy for her that she is not lost anymore. Love from Sherbetx

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