Wednesday 4 April 2012

A Sunny Sunflower day

The days have been so sunny lately that it makes me think of sunflowers. I was also thinking this morning, as I was tidying up my garden, that one of the things I really like doing is untangling all of those tangled up bits of long, creeping, winding stalks that all seem to take each other over. I particularly like the twisty ones, that twist like long curls around each other.  I love untwisting them and freeing them all so that they can have lovely independant lives and are free to creep in any direction they want to go. Sometimes it is really hard work as some of them are really tough so I am so glad I have a good assortment of gardening gloves to protect my delicate skin from scratches.
I wish you all a lovely sunny day wherever you are. Love from Sherbetx

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