Friday 27 April 2012

Sherbet is so grateful for his home grown lettuce

Oh how lovely it was to share a meal with my dear friends Doodle, Mango and Pearl yesterday evening.  I picked my best salad leaves from my vegetable garden to make sure we had a delicious healthy meal. I am so grateful and happy that I have such a wonderful variety of lettuce in my garden, I have red lettuce, curly lettuce, dark green lettuce, light green lettuce, lettuce with long wiggly leaves, lettuce with short round leaves and  lettuce with raggedy looking leaves. They are all so tasty, some have a peppery taste, they are Doodle's favourite but Pearl says she only likes them mixed in with the other leaves.
 We were very lucky also to have some delicious big red ripe tomatoes straight from my garden vine and one juicy cucumber.  I was sorry to have to take away some of the shelter from my caterpillars but I know they will understand.  Before my friends arrived, I was so excited that I waited at my front door to wait for them and to welcome them to Clover Cottage. I am very blessed to have such wonderful friends.

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