Saturday 3 March 2012


 THIS IS MY 100th BLOG !! Can you believe how time has just flown by. I want to sincerely thank all of you lovely beings out there in the world who are kind enough and interested enough to read my little everyday stories. I am so happy to have all of you in my life and I am so grateful to have such stupendously, wonderful and loyal  friends from nearby and from far far away.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
 To celebrate this unique day in the history of Sherbet Sheep, which of course is me, my best friends Pearl, Mango, Doodle and I are having a joyous, rainbow coloured  garden party in my amazing garden.
 We have invited Kizzie the horse, the cows, the pigs and the sheep from Greengate farm and all the little creatures in my garden ( who have put on their best smiles for the occasion).  They are all enjoying themselves at this very minute. I am in my kitchen preparing some delicious rainbow coloured snacks and freshly squeezed juice made with apples and carrots from my garden.  I can hear everyone dancing and singing outside. The birds are singing in tune, the frogs are croaking out of tune and the hedgehogs cannot sing at all but that is perfectly alright as everyone is different and that is just what  makes them so very special !
What a joy to hear all of my friends having such fun.  It looks like this party will go on all day until the sun goes down behind the hills. Love from Sherbet and all of my friends here today at Clover Cottage at the end of Wiggleway Lane x


Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo...Many congratulations Sherbet. Hope the garden party goes well. Have fun all of you x0x0x0x

Unknown said...

Thank You Miss fengirl, we all had such a delightful time and now today I am very tired so I will rest on my flowerpot Love Sherbetx

Stefani Clark said...

A wonderful party creating wonderful memories. You have worked hard for it dearest Sherbert and you deserve it! Big Kiss x

Mimi Foxmorton said...

This is the most BEAUTIFUL sheep blog ever!
How magical!

Have a wooly day!

The Goat Borrower

thecrazysheeplady said...

Happy 100! Sounds like an awfully fun party :-D. Isn't that a funny thing to say together - awfully and fun?

Unknown said...

Dear Mimi,
Thank you so much for your delightful comments. You are very kind.
I am wondering why you borrow goats , I do not know any goats as the farmer at Greengate farm at the other end of Wiggleway Lane does not have any , but Pearl ( who is very wise) told me that if I had a goat friend then he would climb on my kitchen table and eat my delicious breakfast while I was not looking !

Unknown said...

Thank you dear Stefani, I wish you could come back from far far away to join in our celebrations here at Clover Cottage . Love from Sherbet x

Unknown said...

Dear crazysheeplady, Thank you so much for your awfully fun party comment. Yes you are right . If we said the party was funnyly awful that wouldn't be a very charming thing to say either would it? Pearl says that we have to write to the people that put the words in dictionaries and tell them not to be so silly !