Friday 30 March 2012

Sherbet remembers a visit to the hospital

What a lovely holiday I have had at the seaside . I  have had a really good rest and now I am ready to go back to Clover Cottage and get back to work in my garden . I must say I have really missed Pearl, Mango and Doodle. I am sure they have taken good care of my garden while I have been away . I left them a big list of some very good instructions for giving milk to the hedgehogs and watering my new little vegetable plants, that have surely grown bigger and stronger by now.
 I have a long journey ahead of me and I will be back in Wiggleway Lane tomorrow. I am writing especially for one of my best friends who lives far far away from Clover Cottage.  His name is Eli and his mother told me he has been  really brave and a real super hero as he had to go to a hospital  last weekend.  Pearl and Doodle took me to a hospital once.  I hurt my leg falling out of the apple tree.  The doctor had to give me a very big injection indeed and even though I did not like it very much I knew it was going to make me feel better so I just thought of happy rainbow coloured days, and it stopped me thinking about it.  After that I felt so much better and went back home to sit in my garden under that same apple tree that caused me all that trouble !


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Sherbet, there looks a lot of work to bhe done in your amazing garden :-) Glad you had a good holiday.

thecrazysheeplady said...

My mom gave me a shot in my backside when I got sick this past winter and it hurt really bad. I don't think even thinking about cookies would have made it better, but I'll try that next time.

B. Willard

Lisa M. said...

Eli was so happy to hear that you were thinking about him. The hospital was not much fun, but he did meet another boy and they played cards and drew pictures together. Next time I will tell him to think of happy rainbow coloured days and see if that helps. Love you Sherbet!!

Unknown said...

Dear friend Eli, I hope you can see the other comments above this one because I have a very good new sheep friend from far far away in Kentucky . He is called B.Willard and he is my pen pal. I think he is handsome like me and soon I may go to visit him in real life and we will take pictures and when we do I will send you some picures of me and B.Willard. He lives with some very naughty sheep indeed! His mom says that he had to have an injection that he did not like very much either and I really think that if all of us who have to have injections ( or shots as B. Willard says -- but that sounds like you are being shot and would have to stay even longer in hospital so I think I will use the word injection if B. Willard doesn't mind!) Anyway Eli, I just wanted to share that with you as we are in some kind of injection club all together at the moment and we all have to close our eyes and think of rainbow coloured days ! Love from Sherbetx

Anonymous said...

Fancy going to hospital and getting shot!! Doesn't sound like it's very nice in B. Willard's hospital. I'm glad we call them injections instead.