Sunday 25 November 2012

Sherbet has a visit from his very good friends Eli and Ada

Happy Sunday to all of my dear friends both nearby and far far away. I truly wish you all a very blessed, happy day with lots of joy and smiles.
I must tell you that 2 of my very special friends, who have moved far far away came back to visit me. Their names are Eli and Ada and they are very good indeed and almost never naughty. They are very clever and artistic and create so many beautiful things. They came here all the way from far far away to enjoy a very special Thanksgiving day and were staying just at the other end of Wiggleway Lane, around a corner and along a very bumpy road indeed!  Today they are travelling back to their new home on a big aeroplane. I will miss them very much indeed until I see them again.
So, that is all for now. I have some very exciting stories to tell you very soon  but for now I will have a little rest and talk to you again tomorrow.
By the way I am not sure if I showed you the drawing book I bought myself in Paris so here it is. Oh please do forgive me if you have already seen it but I am very proud of it and I plan to do my very best drawings in it !
Love from Sherbetx

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