Thursday 22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of my friends

Happy Thanksgiving Day  to all of my friends both nearby and  far far away who are celebrating this wonderful day.
 It is a day when we count our blessings and give thanks for them.
 I am counting each one of my blessings here at Clover Cottage and I am very, very grateful to be such a very fortunate and blessed Sherbet sheep.
 I have invited Pearl, Mango and Doodle to share  a  delicious  dinner with me this evening.  I have picked one of my best and biggest pumpkins from my vegetable garden and Pearl has promised to make us all a scrumptious pumpkin pie.
Oh, I am so looking  forward to sharing  a happy evening full of gratitude with my very best friends.
Love from a very thankful Sherbet sheep x


Sheepmom said...

Dear Sherbet,
I'm so glad to see you are feeling better and well enough to consider eating pie. I missed hearing about your adventures. I hope you will soon be full of energy again and able to do marvelous things every day with your friend.
Best wishes,

thecrazysheeplady said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sherbet! Enjoy your pumpkin pie :-D.