Wednesday 7 November 2012

Mixed mushrooms for dinner Yummy!

 Here I am with a delicious selection of mushrooms. We bought them from the shop around the corner  but it is just the right time of year to go into the woods and collect them.
  I must tell you that  Mango's Aunty Manu and I had the most wonderful dinner with these mushrooms.  It was truly scrumptious. I wish I could find these in the woods near Wiggleway Lane  but I do not think they grow there.  It is just as well because I know that to gather mushrooms from the forests I would have to be very, very careful as there could be some very dangerous mushrooms indeed.  I have  a book at Clover Cottage that teaches me about collecting  wild mushrooms but I would still be afraid to do it without the help of a  mushroom  expert !
 I am feeling a little bit better today. I am resting and keeping warm and I will  go to bed early tonight . Tomorrow afternoon I am going back to Clover Cottage on the big train from Paris.  I will be very sad to leave,  I have had a wonderful time but I have to get back to look after my garden and all the little creatures that live there.

Here are some of the delicious berries and  home made jam that I saw in the market. What a wonderful time of year !  So many yummy things to eat. I am sure Pearl has made lots of jam too.  I will look forward to sharing a lovely breakfast of toast and jam with her when I get back to Clover Cottage. Love from Sherbetx

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