Friday 17 August 2012

Sherbet realises he was not meant to be an athlete

My dear, dear friends both near and far far away and a special hello today to those of you so very far far far far  away on the other side of the world who I know are reading my stories. Thank you all so much for being so kind as to listen to my stories, I am so very grateful to you all. I do so love to share my adventures with you. I must tell you that I am still very, very tired after  wearing myself out at my very own Olympic day. It's clear I was not meant to be an athlete. I am really very well suited to my job here at Clover Cottage as a nature loving, little creature protecting, vegetable growing Sherbet Sheep. My main job as gardener really does suit me very well indeed. I do so love watching my little seeds, gradually grow bigger and bigger and  turning into delicious vegetables. Oh what joy!  Life is such a wonderful invention. Love from Sherbetx

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