Sunday 12 August 2012

Sherbet is getting ready for his follow up Olympics

Dear wonderful friends all over the world,
 Now that the big, huge, famous spectacularly rainbow coloured Olympics in  the great city of London are finishing, I can concentrate on getting Clover Cottage ready for my very own Olympics on Tuesday.
 Here I am checking to make sure the quality of my grass is good enough for my special athletic guests, especially the 2 goats from Greengate Farm who are my guests of honour as they have never been here before..
Yes I think the grass is fine, lovely and green and fresh and springy and up to Olympic standards so that puts my mind at rest.  See you all bright and early on Tuesday for the follow up Olympics  hosted by the famous Sherbet Sheep of Clover Cottage in Wiggleway Lane. Blessings to you  all.. Love from Sherbetx

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