Friday 21 December 2012

Sherbet is going home today

Here I am,  a little bit hidden away from the big wide world.  I am ready to go home to Clover Cottage now.  I will be very sorry to leave my dear friend  Sheila  sheep,  we have had such fun and have laughed a lot and talked a lot, but now I must go back to Pearl, Doodle and Mango.  It is nearly Christmas and they will be expecting  me to be back home to take care of all the little creatures in my garden.   I know that Pearl will be making  a delicious Christmas pudding to her grandmother's recipe and Doodle will have put up a beautiful Christmas tree in my garden.  Little  Mango will be having an adventure getting lost in the pine needles on the tree, I am sure of that.  I  have  some gifts for my dear friends in my suitcase  and now I must say goodbye to the seaside and to Sheila sheep. I will come again soon when it is a brand new year,  the year 2013.
Love from Sherbetx

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