Saturday 1 September 2012

Sherbet bathes in the light of a blue moon

Happy first day of  September to my dear friends from nearby and far far away. 
This morning,  I loaded up my wheelbarrow with Mango, Doodle and  Pearl and I took them all to help me work in my vegetable garden. There is so much to do as it became a little bit overgrown while I was away at the seaside. They all stayed with me last night as it was a very special evening indeed.  Pearl had told me that there was going to be the most wonderful full moon.  It was truly special because it was a blue moon and it only happens once in a blue moon !  We just knew we had to make the most of that wonderful moon, so as soon as it was dark, we brought our blankets and pillows out onto the grass here at Clover Cottage and sat and bathed in the light of the full, blue moon. How delightful it was, how peaceful, how special and how magical.
 Ahhh,  how lovely.  We laid down on our blankets and just relaxed, the moonlight shone onto us and over us and we could feel it shining through every cell in our bodies. From the comfort of my cuddly blanket on the spongy grass, I looked up and could see the silhouettes of the tree tops and fluffy,  grey night time clouds passing close to the moon.  We were very lucky that the clouds did not cover the moon hardly at all.
 I closed my eyes and just let all of my busy thoughts fade away and I felt truly blessed to be surrounded by my dear friends here at Clover Cottage under the soothing light of the very special blue moon. Love from Sherbetx  

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