Wednesday 12 June 2013

Sherbet has had some very sad news about Kizzy horse

Oh I am so sad, so very sad.
My dear friend Kathy Cat has written to me  with some very bad news indeed.
  I must tell you all that my very favourite horse in the whole world, Kizzy horse has gone to new green pastures in the sky.  Kathy Cat told me that Kizzy broke her leg and could not stay on this planet earth any longer. She was very old and  not very strong but I know that where she is now she is extremely happy and has brand new legs to run around with all day long. I will miss her very much, I have such fond memories of riding her through her favourite forest. She loved having adventures with her best friend  Kathy Cat  too and she will be missed very much .
 Love from Sherbetx

1 comment:

thecrazysheeplady said...

Oh no :-(. {{{hugs}}}