Friday 8 August 2014

Sherbet meets his woodland friends

Oh how lovely!
 I was out for my early morning walk in the woods just down the lane from Clover Cottage when I stepped out from behind an enormous oak tree and oops! I almost bumped into my new wooodland friends .
 I have not seen them for many weeks now and it was a delight to see them all again.
I must say I am a little bit of a hermit spending so much time alone in Clover Cottage but even though I do enjoy the silence of my own company it is very refreshing to find some  friends and spend time with them especially wonderful friends like Fox, Badger , Rabbit, Owl and Mouse.
Love from Sherbetx

1 comment:

Sheepmom said...

Hello Sherbet,

I've missed reading about your adventures. I hope you are well and happy and just too busy in your garden to write. I just wanted you to know that I like your stories and would love to hear more when you want to share more.
Your friend from across the pond.