Thursday 17 December 2015

Hello from Sherbet

Oh dear, dear precious friends from nearby and far far away, do please forgive me for staying away so long.
 I have just been here, there and everywhere and I have not been able to spend time on my stories.
 I just had to say hello to you all to let you know that I am still very much alive ( you may see that I am carrying my lucky 4 leaf clover and that keeps me safe - and fortunate too !) I know Christmas is coming near but I am a little bit too busy to even think about it at the moment . Luckily I have already wrapped up some gifts for Pearl, Doodle and Mango so I do not have to worry about that. I did find the time to put up a little Christmas tree in Clover Cottage and decorate it. It is twinkling at me right this minute. It is a very friendly tree.
 Love from your long lost friend Sherbet Sheep x

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