Tuesday 28 July 2015

Sherbet has found a strawberry in his garden

Oh dear I am very, very tired after working hard in my garden all day long.  You can see from my photo though that a sunbeam is landing on me, to give me back some energy.I am pleased to tell you that I found one tiny, ripe strawberry waiting for me when I went out to water my plants this morning . There it was peeping out at me from under a big leaf. I know it will not make much of an impression in my fruit bowl,  but it is still a joy to be able to pick my own home grown strawberry however small it may be. It is almost as small as a wild strawberry and I know by now you must be thinking that I am talking far too much about my one strawberry but you see,  it is the little things in life that are the most joyful to me . And this strawberry is most certainly little!!
Love from Sherbetx

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