Friday 29 March 2013

Sherbet's holiday home

A big happy hello to all of my dear and loyal friends from nearby and far far away.  Here I am wishing you all a very GOOD FRIDAY indeed. I must tell you that I am still far far away from Clover Cottage myself and I am showing you a picture of my charming little holiday home . It is the smallest house I could find and it it is still a little bit big for me.
  I know it looks like it may be a little bit dark inside but at the back I have a great big window with a spectacular sea view. I can sit and watch the boats going in and out of the bay as I sip my drink . Oh what a lovely drink I have, you may think it looks like milk as it's all white but it is made with delicious fresh coconut and I will eat those little pieces of fruit afterwards, I think one is pineapple and the other one is melon made into a little ball. Yummy .
Here I am with a very big and scrumptious drink indeed .
 It is very, very peaceful here and I have decided that for this Easter weekend I am going to sit in silence and not utter one single word.
I am going to stay alone with my thoughts and I am going to meditate and count all of my blessings
Love from Sherbetx

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