Monday 25 March 2013

Sherbet goes to Hotel Chocolat !

Oh what yummyness.
 I am here at a place called Rabot Estate  where they have lots of cocoa trees and a hotel called Hotel Chocolat !  What a wonderfully delicious name for a hotel.  The hotel is not made of chocolate but as you may imagine there is chocolate everywhere here,  chocolate drinks, chocolate in recipes, chocolate bars, even cocoa beans in big sacks.  As you can see I am sitting on one of those sacks right now.  You can see all of those little cocoa beans inside, I must say it was a little bit lumpy and bumpy to sit on but I did not mind as I had the scrumptious smell of cocoa drifting up into my nostrils!  I could have stayed there all day.  Love from Sherbetx

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