Tuesday 5 April 2016

Sherbet and the bird's nest

Ah, what a wonderful feeling just lying here in these beautiful leaves, and see how nicely the colour of them contrasts with the colour of my face and ears.  It is so quiet here in this corner of my garden, not even a buzzing bee or a tweeting bird. Talking about tweeting birds I noticed today that a bird's nest that I had been keeping my eye on was all broken open, I did not see any bird's eggs on the ground so I imagine the baby birds inside have hatched and flown away.  I can only hope that they are all safe with wings that work. It has been so windy here at Clover Cottage and it has made me a little bit afraid that the nest was blown away in the wind taking the babies with it. Oh dear I must not have these bad thoughts, I will tell myself to only think good thoughts and then everything will be alright. Love Sherbetx

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