Saturday 21 March 2015

Sherbet has some very naughty caterpillars eating his lettuce

Oh dear friends , you have found me digging my garden.
 This is the month when I plant lots of new seeds and lots of little baby vegetable plants .
I must tell you that when I came into my garden early this morning to water my plants, I found some very naughty caterpillars on my lettuce , well really the truth is that they were on the remaining stalks of my lettuce! I do not mind sharing my lunch with caterpillars at all because as you know I do love all the little creatures in my garden but when they chew through every single leaf, I realise that I will have to give them some lessons in good manners and teach them to share .
It seems there are always lessons to teach and lessons to learn  so I am going to start teaching those naughty caterpillars right this minute .
Love Sherbetx

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