Wednesday 18 March 2015

Special blessings from Sherbet Sheep

Here I am your very loyal friend, Sherbet Sheep of Clover Cottage in Wiggleway Lane.
 I just wanted to send you all some floral scented, rainbow coloured blessings to brighten up your day, even if your day is already bright and there may not be much room left for any more brightness.   For my friends that live far far away where the sky is already dark after a day of brightness or still dark outside after a long night of darkness, then I hope these bright pink flowers add a little colour to your evening, your night  or your early morning !!  The most important thing of all is that you receive these happy, bright , colourful, perfumed blessings and keep them tucked away safely close to your heart where they can grow even more abundant . Love and special Sherbet hugs to you all. Sherbet x

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