Monday 6 May 2013

Sherbet is feeling blissful

 Ah how lovely to be back at Clover Cottage with my daffodils.
I must tell you that the weather is truly glorious. The sky is blue, blue, blue. I can see no clouds anywhere and the sun is so hot that my ear tops are getting pink .
 This morning I sat outside in my wonderful garden and I closed my eyes and meditated.
 How blissful it was. Truly, truly blissful.  I sat there in the peace of my garden , the birds were tweeting in the trees and the sun was shining down on my face, keeping me lovely and warm.
 Ah, how blessed I am,   I wish everyone in the whole wide world could sit here with me in my garden and feel this bliss and this  peace too.   Love from Sherbetx

1 comment:

thecrazysheeplady said...

Happy Spring Sherbet :-).