Monday 22 April 2013

Sherbet is sitting in a huge pink bush

Well, you may think I  look a little bit silly sitting here in a huge pink bush but I love being surrounded by bright, happy  colours so I am perfectly content.  The colour of these flowers does not exactly go with my shorts but at the moment these are the only holiday shorts I have.  I have asked Kathy cat to make me a new pair so  when they are ready I will do my own little fashion show for you to show them off. I must tell you that it has been raining buckets of water for the last few days so I  have been trying to stay dry. It is a very wonderful thing though to see the plants and trees growing so quickly and so healthily. This is a very green island indeed and it has grown even greener in the past few days. Oh what a joy it is to behold!
Love from Sherbetx

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