Sunday, 28 October 2012

It is so windy today in Sherbet's garden

Oh my goodness, it is so windy!
 The windows in Clover Cottage are rattling so hard and the green,yellow, brown, red, orange and yellow leaves are just flying all around my garden.  I know Mango will love it but I do not like to see my poor trees all bare with no leaves on.  I do worry about the birds because I don't know where they go to keep cosy in the cold weather. I will ask Pearl she is very wise and may know the answer.  I do hope the wind stops soon.  I must say that I am still feeling my lovely, loving hug that I had yesterday. I cannot wait until next year when I will get another big hug for HUG A SHEEP DAY !
  Love from a very wind blown Sherbet Sheepx

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