Saturday, 18 August 2012

Sherbet is going to the seaside to put some colour in his cheeks

Pearl told me that she was a little bit worried about me and that my cheeks were looking a little less rosy than usual. She thinks I have worked much too hard over the last week and  has advised me to go and spend some time at the seaside with Sheila sheep. What a wonderful idea.  It is such a long time since I have seen my dear friend at the seaside. I do miss her and I also miss my lovely relaxing walks along the beach, scrambling in and out of the sand dunes. I will be very glad to see Fifi fish again as she has become such a good friend to me. I am sad that she could not come and join in the Swimming race at my very own Olympics as I know she would have won. The trouble is she cannot stay out of the water for long so she can not travel to Clover Cottage.  I must pack my bag now ready for my journey to the seaside. Pearl has made me some delicious sandwiches made with fresh, crusty, grainy bread  and has wrapped up a slice of  home made apple pie for me to take with me. I am so grateful and very blessed to have Pearl as my friend, she really loves to look after me.
 Goodbye to you all, I will send you  rainbow coloured blessings from the seaside. Please all keep happy and safe while I am away.
 I will see you all when I get back from my little holiday. I am going to put the colour back in my cheeks and enjoy myself at the same time. Love from Sherbetx

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