Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Sherbet feels so much gratitude

Today, I am sitting on my grass giving thanks for all the gifts in my life.
 I have so much gratitude for so much, that I am just sitting peacefully here feeling amazed at just how many blessings I have to be thankful for. I am grateful for my wonderful friends both near and far far away, I am grateful for my wonderful garden, I am grateful for my healthy food that keeps me feeling well, I am grateful for the sunshine that gives me pink ear tops, I am grateful for all the little creatures in my garden that I can take care of, I am grateful for my new spinach seeds that will grow into spinach to join the rest of my healthy food, I am grateful for the lovely fresh air that I can breathe, I am grateful for the birds that sing in my trees, I am grateful for the rain that waters my plants, I am grateful for Pearl's home made jam and Pearl's home made pies, I am grateful for my beautiful home, Clover Cottage where I have my cosy kitchen, I am grateful for all the plants and trees in Wiggleway Lane, I am grateful for the lovely times I share with my friends, I am grateful for my comfy bed  where I have my dreams, I am grateful for my quiet place under my oak tree where I meditate, I am grateful for all of my rainbow coloured days and I am very very grateful to Reginald Rabbit who I miss so much.
 Oh my goodness, I really am so grateful for every single thing in my life. I am truly a very blessed Sherbet Sheep and I want to send all the blessings in the world to all of my dear friends both near and far far away and also my friends far far far far far far far away, but still here with us in spirit, like Miss Ewenice and Reginald Rabbit.
 Love from Sherbetx

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