Oh what a lovely sunny morning we have today!
I woke up bright and early and I was just enjoying a delicious breakfast of porridge with some delectable strawberries on top, when there was a knock on my kitchen door and there stood Pearl with her basket filled with freshly baked bread rolls. Oh what Scrumptious yummyness!! What a wonderful aroma to greet me first thing in the morning.
She came in, sat at my kitchen table and we shared the delicious, crusty bread. I must admit I already had a bit of a full tummy with my porridge but I just could not resist that warm bread! How blessed I am to have Pearl bringing me delicious warm bread and how blessed I am to have healthy thriving strawberry plants in my garden that give me strawberries to put on my porridge. What an absolute delight to see those little red berries peeping out from under their leaves. Isn't it wonderful how we can grow scrumptious things in our gardens. Oh what joy! Love and rainbow coloured blessings to you all. Sherbetx
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Sherbet has a good idea
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Sherbet invents a healthy rainbow coloured recipe
Oh, look what I have found in my vegetable garden ! How absolutely scrumptious !
I am so delighted that I have found some ripe, purple aubergines ( or maybe you call them eggplant if you live in a different country to me )I also picked 2 huge ripe, red peppers and some tomatoes, chilli peppers and garlic.
I am sure I can create a delicious rainbow coloured meal for my friends. I will invite Doodle, Pearl and Mango to Clover Cottage to share a meal with me this evening.
I do so love cooking, especially with my very own home grown food. I know that when Pearl arrives this evening she will bring one of her delicious home made fruit pies. It is always such a delight to see her coming through my front door, carrying her basket with the still warm pie inside. Oh, the aroma that wafts in with her just cannot be compared to anything else on this earth.
I have to go now to start inventing my new, healthy, rainbow coloured recipe.
I will see you tomorrow, when hopefully there will still be some of Pearl's delectable pie left over for me to enjoy again. I wish you could all be here to share it with me. YUMMY! Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 28 July 2012
Yippee, It is time for the Olympics !
It is time for the Olympics ! The whole wide world has sent very
clever athletes indeed to meet up in London to compete in sports
together. Oh what fun they will have. I am being very patriotic and
wearing my Union Jack outfit to cheer along the English athletes. I do
wish rainbow coloured blessings and very good luck to all of the
athletes in the whole wide world though, at the same time. I hope they
stay safe and have a very good time indeed and I hope they make
wonderful new friends from many different countries.
I think I will organize my own little Olympics here at Clover Cottage.
My friends and I can compete against each other on the grass in my
garden. I hope the weather stays fine and does not rain as I will not
be able to run very fast if my woolly coat becomes all soggy and heavy.
Love from Sherbetx
Friday, 27 July 2012
Doodle has painted a lovely picture for Sherbet
Rainbow coloured blessings to you all. I truly hope you all have a wonderful, happy, peaceful, smiley day.
Doodle has painted me a lovely new picture of the cows at Greengate Farm.
Oh, he is so very talented and I do love to hang his paintings on my walls in Clover Cottage. I am going to hang it up in my kitchen and then when I invite friends to share a delicious meal we can all admire Doodle's painting.
That reminds me, it is quite a while since I have made a scrumptious dinner for my dear friends Doodle, Mango and Pearl. I will go into my garden today and see which of my vegetables are ripe and ready to pick, then I will invent a healthy rainbow coloured recipe for us all to enjoy. Oh what a happy thought! I cannot wait to share a delightful evening with my dear friends again. I am going to look at my vegetable garden right now. I do hope those naughty slugs have stayed away! Love from Sherbetx
Doodle has painted me a lovely new picture of the cows at Greengate Farm.
Oh, he is so very talented and I do love to hang his paintings on my walls in Clover Cottage. I am going to hang it up in my kitchen and then when I invite friends to share a delicious meal we can all admire Doodle's painting.
That reminds me, it is quite a while since I have made a scrumptious dinner for my dear friends Doodle, Mango and Pearl. I will go into my garden today and see which of my vegetables are ripe and ready to pick, then I will invent a healthy rainbow coloured recipe for us all to enjoy. Oh what a happy thought! I cannot wait to share a delightful evening with my dear friends again. I am going to look at my vegetable garden right now. I do hope those naughty slugs have stayed away! Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Oh dear, Sherbet is worried about Kizzy horse again
Oh dear, I am little bit worried today. The postman with the red van brought me a letter from Kathy cat. The letter said that Kizzy had fallen in her stable while she was trying to get up after her nights sleep. Kathy told me it was not as bad as before but it is clear that Kizzy is getting very old and much weaker. Oh poor Kizzy and poor Kathy cat who loves her so much. I am sending them rainbow coloured thoughts and lots of love to make Kizzy well and strong again.
I have been thinking about Kizzy when she was young and healthy. She so loved to run around in the fields with her friends from the farm. Now she lives a quiet peaceful life and thank goodness she has a friend like Kathy cat who comes to take her out in the forest where they enjoy each others company so very much. Get well soon Kizzy, I do hope you are soon back on your feet with no nasty aches and pains to stop you from your lovely woodland walks. Love and blessings from Sherbetx
I have been thinking about Kizzy when she was young and healthy. She so loved to run around in the fields with her friends from the farm. Now she lives a quiet peaceful life and thank goodness she has a friend like Kathy cat who comes to take her out in the forest where they enjoy each others company so very much. Get well soon Kizzy, I do hope you are soon back on your feet with no nasty aches and pains to stop you from your lovely woodland walks. Love and blessings from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Sherbet woke up early to do some yoga
Phew, here I am again and as you can see I woke up very early this morning to do some yoga in my garden.
I know that Marise mouse would be so proud of me. I also know that yoga is very good for me and it keeps me healthy and strong and peaceful. I am sure that I will work much better at my many garden tasks today as I feel so energetic. I must ask Marise mouse if she would be so kind as to come and teach Mango, Doodle and Pearl some yoga too. It would be so wonderful to all gather together in my garden under the oak tree and do yoga to the sounds of the birds in trees and to have the gentle breeze blowing around our ears.
Oh yes, it really does seem like the best idea I have had in ages.
Afterwards we could all have a deliciously refreshing pot of herb tea made from the mint in the garden, which by the way is running wildly all around my strawberry plants and is very naughty indeed!
Love from a very healthy upside down Sherbetx
I know that Marise mouse would be so proud of me. I also know that yoga is very good for me and it keeps me healthy and strong and peaceful. I am sure that I will work much better at my many garden tasks today as I feel so energetic. I must ask Marise mouse if she would be so kind as to come and teach Mango, Doodle and Pearl some yoga too. It would be so wonderful to all gather together in my garden under the oak tree and do yoga to the sounds of the birds in trees and to have the gentle breeze blowing around our ears.
Oh yes, it really does seem like the best idea I have had in ages.
Afterwards we could all have a deliciously refreshing pot of herb tea made from the mint in the garden, which by the way is running wildly all around my strawberry plants and is very naughty indeed!
Love from a very healthy upside down Sherbetx
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Sherbet is thinking of his animal friends all over the world
I am also thinking today of all my animal friends that live all over our planet earth. Oh how I wish I could invite them all to Clover Cottage to share this Sunday with me. I am sure it would be a little crowded but what fun we would have. Can you imagine how many new friends I would make.
And of course, all the little creatures in my garden would meet them all too. Oh what a wonderful thought, to share my Sunday with so many new friends, big and small, from all over this great big world of ours. Oh dear, I am running away with myself. I must go now and find the postman with the red van and give him my letters. Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Sherbet is having a very blessed and magical day
Ah, what beautiful flowers I have in my garden. What an absolute joy it is to be sitting here with this soft floral fragrance surrounding me. What a wonderful time of year it is.
I just love the colours of my flowers so much and Oh, what delectable scents they all have. I feel like putting some flowers behind my ears and dancing around my garden in sheer delight.
In fact I think I will. I will dance and dance and I will sing and sing and I will jump and jump around with joy and I will laugh and laugh and I will roll around in the grass and just spend my day with a big smile on my face being the happiest Sherbet Sheep that I can be.
This day is just full to the brim with magical blessings. How absolutely wonderful ! I wish I could share it with everyone in the whole wide world. Love from Sherbetx
I just love the colours of my flowers so much and Oh, what delectable scents they all have. I feel like putting some flowers behind my ears and dancing around my garden in sheer delight.
In fact I think I will. I will dance and dance and I will sing and sing and I will jump and jump around with joy and I will laugh and laugh and I will roll around in the grass and just spend my day with a big smile on my face being the happiest Sherbet Sheep that I can be.
This day is just full to the brim with magical blessings. How absolutely wonderful ! I wish I could share it with everyone in the whole wide world. Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Sherbet is knitting a purple scarf
Oh what a lovely sunny day it is today. I have decided to sit on my grass and knit a scarf for my dear friend Sheila sheep who lives at the seaside. She loves the colour purple and last time I saw her she told me that her neck gets very cold in the blowy, seaside wind. Even though she has a cuddly woolly coat just like me, it seems that she is a little bit more delicate and a little bit thinner than me so she feels the cold more. The scarf is nearly finished now and I love knitting so much that I think I will knit one for myself. It does get very cold here at Clover Cottage in the winter time and I know that I have to wrap myself up warmly when I go out to make my snowmen and give the hedgehogs their milk every day. (Oh I nearly forgot, I wonder if my hedgehogs will be hibernating for the winter months. I must remember to ask them ) Winter, winter, winter. Brrrr ! It makes me shiver to think of it. I am so blessed to have this sunny day today and I am going to enjoy it because time just seems to be whizzing by and before I know it, my garden will be covered with snow again. Love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Sherbet is still asleep having a very nice dream
Hello everyone, I am still asleep and talking to you from my dreams. I am going to stay asleep and stay in my dream as it is a very nice one. I will talk to you again tomorrow when I am awake. Love from your very own sleepy Sherbetx
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Sherbet is remembering his special friends Eli and Ada
Rainbow coloured blessings to all of my friends from nearby and far far away. I have just been thinking about 2 of my very nice friends who used to live at the other end of Wiggleway Lane and around a corner and down a very bumpy hill and they are called Eli and Ada. Eli and Ada are very special. They made me a lovely Christmas card once. Now they live far far away so I would like to send them this lovely picture which I call Jungle Jeeps. I miss them very much and I hope they are having a lovely time in their new home just as my jungle jeep animals are, here in this picture.
Love and hugs from Sherbetx
Love and hugs from Sherbetx
Monday, 16 July 2012
Sherbet receives a postcard from a tropical island
What a wonderful surprise I had this morning. The postman with the red van brought me a delightful postcard from one of my very dear friends who is on holiday in a tropical island far far far far far away. How different it looks from my garden at Clover Cottage.
I can see banana trees and pineapples and humming birds and hibiscus flowers. Pearl told me that I could make tea with hibiscus, it would make a nice change from my peppermint tea. I don't think I can make banana tea but I do know that I can make banana cake ! Yummy what a wonderful thought. I do not have a banana tree here at Clover Cottage but I do have some bananas in my kitchen and I am going to start making a scrumptious, healthy, delicious cake right away ! I will put some nuts in it too as I do love crunchy bits in my cakes. I will invite Doodle, Mango and Pearl to share it with me. Oh what a lovely treat, scrummy, nutty, moist, slices of banana cake. Love Sherbetx
I can see banana trees and pineapples and humming birds and hibiscus flowers. Pearl told me that I could make tea with hibiscus, it would make a nice change from my peppermint tea. I don't think I can make banana tea but I do know that I can make banana cake ! Yummy what a wonderful thought. I do not have a banana tree here at Clover Cottage but I do have some bananas in my kitchen and I am going to start making a scrumptious, healthy, delicious cake right away ! I will put some nuts in it too as I do love crunchy bits in my cakes. I will invite Doodle, Mango and Pearl to share it with me. Oh what a lovely treat, scrummy, nutty, moist, slices of banana cake. Love Sherbetx
Sunday, 15 July 2012
Sherbet is listening for baby birds
Happy Sunday everyone. Here I am in my best clothes sitting quietly in my bush in my amazing garden.
I am sitting here and I am trying not to make a single sound. I am listening to see if I can hear any baby birds tweeting from the nests in my trees. If I hear some I will be so excited. What a joy it will be to know that baby birds have been born in my garden.
I cannot talk to you for long as I have to keep perfectly still, I cannot even wiggle my ears to shoo away a fly.. Shhhh! Love Sherbetx
I am sitting here and I am trying not to make a single sound. I am listening to see if I can hear any baby birds tweeting from the nests in my trees. If I hear some I will be so excited. What a joy it will be to know that baby birds have been born in my garden.
I cannot talk to you for long as I have to keep perfectly still, I cannot even wiggle my ears to shoo away a fly.. Shhhh! Love Sherbetx
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Sherbet makes a new strawberry patch
Oh what a beautiful morning. Oh what a lovely blue sky. Oh what a perfect light, cooling breeze. Oh what harmonious sounds filling the air all around me . Ahh, I feel so lucky to be alive and so blessed to be living here at Clover Cottage with my amazing garden to relax in.
Yes, I know I said relax but in fact I have a little bit of work to do in my garden. I am making a new strawberry patch. I have to dig up a little corner of my garden not far from my oak tree, pick out all the stones and smooth down the soil again, then I will surround it with big rocks to make it look like a special little area. I have lots of new strawberry plants from the garden shop in the village and I will plant them and care for them and wait patiently for them to make lovely big juicy strawberries.
Yes, I know what you are all thinking! It is true, - you are reading my mind. When the strawberries are ripe I will give a whole basket full to Pearl and she will make lots of jars of delicious strawberry jam. I wish you could all come and share it with me, Pearl makes the best jam in the whole wide world. Love from Sherbetx
Yes, I know I said relax but in fact I have a little bit of work to do in my garden. I am making a new strawberry patch. I have to dig up a little corner of my garden not far from my oak tree, pick out all the stones and smooth down the soil again, then I will surround it with big rocks to make it look like a special little area. I have lots of new strawberry plants from the garden shop in the village and I will plant them and care for them and wait patiently for them to make lovely big juicy strawberries.
Yes, I know what you are all thinking! It is true, - you are reading my mind. When the strawberries are ripe I will give a whole basket full to Pearl and she will make lots of jars of delicious strawberry jam. I wish you could all come and share it with me, Pearl makes the best jam in the whole wide world. Love from Sherbetx
Friday, 13 July 2012
Mango brings Sherbet some delectable cherries
Rainbow coloured blessings to you all this fine morning.
I am sitting here on my kitchen doorstep listening to the delightful twittering and chirping of my birds as they play in the oak tree. I must tell you that I have seen lots of newly built nests around my garden and I am so excited to think that new baby birds will be born soon.
I know though also that I have to watch very carefully in case any eggs or newly born babies fall out onto the grass. I do so hope that doesn't happen as that would be very sad for me. I am also a little afraid that the naughty cat from Greengate farm may come around to look for them.
Earlier this morning, my dear little mouse friend Mango, who lives in the watering can in my garden, came to visit me. What a kind loving little mouse he is! He brought me 2 delicious cherries to have for my breakfast. What a treat! I do not have a cherry tree in my garden so I savoured every tiny little bite of those delectable cherries. I have asked Mango to come to share my dinner with me this evening, he doesn't eat much as he is so tiny and he does not fit very well on my kitchen chairs, but I have a special little corner on my tablecloth where he can sit quite comfortably and enjoy his meal. I am so blessed to have a sweet little friend like Mango living in my garden.
Love from Sherbetx
I am sitting here on my kitchen doorstep listening to the delightful twittering and chirping of my birds as they play in the oak tree. I must tell you that I have seen lots of newly built nests around my garden and I am so excited to think that new baby birds will be born soon.
I know though also that I have to watch very carefully in case any eggs or newly born babies fall out onto the grass. I do so hope that doesn't happen as that would be very sad for me. I am also a little afraid that the naughty cat from Greengate farm may come around to look for them.
Earlier this morning, my dear little mouse friend Mango, who lives in the watering can in my garden, came to visit me. What a kind loving little mouse he is! He brought me 2 delicious cherries to have for my breakfast. What a treat! I do not have a cherry tree in my garden so I savoured every tiny little bite of those delectable cherries. I have asked Mango to come to share my dinner with me this evening, he doesn't eat much as he is so tiny and he does not fit very well on my kitchen chairs, but I have a special little corner on my tablecloth where he can sit quite comfortably and enjoy his meal. I am so blessed to have a sweet little friend like Mango living in my garden.
Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Sherbet has the most wonderful news !
I have the most wonderful news today. The postman with the red van brought me a letter from Kathy cat and Oh, what good news ! She told me that Kizzy horse has recovered ! Her wounds have all healed and she is eating her food again. The best thing of all is that Kathy cat can ride her again in the forest. Kizzy is so happy to be able to walk properly again and Kathy is delighted to be able to ride her old friend again. I am so very happy for them both as I have been so worried for Kizzy. She is not a young horse anymore and I was very afraid that she would not regain her strength after her fall. She is a very brave and strong horse. Hooray, Hooray, Hooray, Kizzy horse is well again ! Thank you to everyone who wished her well. Love Sherbetx
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Reginald Rabbit comes to Sherbet in a dream
I had a very comforting dream last night.
Reginald Rabbit came to me in my dream and told me he loved my smiley message yesterday. He told me that the best thing I could do was to smile and that I should keep smiling and not to be sad that he had to go to a better place far far away. He told me that he was very happy and that where he lives now everyone smiles all day long. He said he is always with me and is always looking after me even though I cannot see him. He told me to never worry, and that everything is always alright and as it should be. He gave me a big hug, told me he loved me and disappeared.
At that moment I woke up and guess what?
I had a big smile on my face!
Reginald Rabbit came to me in my dream and told me he loved my smiley message yesterday. He told me that the best thing I could do was to smile and that I should keep smiling and not to be sad that he had to go to a better place far far away. He told me that he was very happy and that where he lives now everyone smiles all day long. He said he is always with me and is always looking after me even though I cannot see him. He told me to never worry, and that everything is always alright and as it should be. He gave me a big hug, told me he loved me and disappeared.
At that moment I woke up and guess what?
I had a big smile on my face!
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Smiley face,smiley face, smiley face!
Do you know that if we all wake up with a smiley face and eat our breakfast with a smiley face and put on our boots with a smiley face and walk to the village with a smiley face and go in the shops with a smiley face and buy our groceries with a smiley face and think rainbow thoughts with a smiley face and go home with a smiley face and make our dinner with a smiley face and share our dinner with friends with a smiley face and end our day with a smiley face and go to sleep with a smiley face, then we would all have made everyone around us smiley too and then the whole world would be smiley! Love and smiley faces from Sherbetx
Monday, 9 July 2012
Sherbet wishes the whole wide world could be filled with love
Here I am meditating in my garden again. Oh, it is so peaceful, I do wish everyone could feel as peaceful as this every day. How lovely if the whole wide world could be filled with love. How lovely it would be if all the little creatures everywhere could live peacefully and not be afraid of walking around openly in the countryside where they live. Everywhere I go I see the little creatures escaping under bushes and hiding in little holes. They must be afraid that something will hurt them. Of course I know, I myself would never hurt them, they are my friends. I would love them to feel free and for them to trust me. In my garden at Clover Cottage the little creatures that live there know me and trust me. It would be so wonderful if all the little creatures in the world could come and live in my garden where they would always feel safe and happy and smiley all day long. Love from Sherbetx
Sunday, 8 July 2012
Sherbet remembers his delightful evening with Doodle
Happy Sunday everyone. My goodness, how time has flown by since last Sunday! I must always remember not to waste time but I will save that thought until tomorrow because today I am just going to rest in my garden again. I had the most delightful time with Doodle yesterday evening. He is a very good cook and because he is so creative, he makes sure every dish is full of the most wonderful rainbow coloured foods, and it is a real feast for our eyes as well as our taste buds. In fact it looked so good I almost did not want to eat it, I wanted to frame it and put it on my wall! Oh silly me!
Love from Sherbetx
Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Sherbet is enjoying his garden today
Hello everyone. Rainbow coloured blessings to you all on this lovely sunny day.
I am just going to sit in my garden and enjoy my flowers today. I am going to close my eyes and smell the perfume that is coming from them and I am going to open my ears and listen for all the lovely natural sounds, the bees buzzing, the birds tweeting, the wind blowing through the leaves on my trees and the frogs croaking ( if I am lucky)
As you can see, I am wearing my new clothes that Kathy cat made for me, that is because after I have enjoyed my garden, I am going to Doodle's home. He has invited me to share a delicious healthy dinner with him this evening. I am so looking forward to it as I have not seen Doodle for a long time, he has been so busy in his art studio. I wish you all a very happy Saturday. Love from Sherbetx
I am just going to sit in my garden and enjoy my flowers today. I am going to close my eyes and smell the perfume that is coming from them and I am going to open my ears and listen for all the lovely natural sounds, the bees buzzing, the birds tweeting, the wind blowing through the leaves on my trees and the frogs croaking ( if I am lucky)
As you can see, I am wearing my new clothes that Kathy cat made for me, that is because after I have enjoyed my garden, I am going to Doodle's home. He has invited me to share a delicious healthy dinner with him this evening. I am so looking forward to it as I have not seen Doodle for a long time, he has been so busy in his art studio. I wish you all a very happy Saturday. Love from Sherbetx
Friday, 6 July 2012
Sherbet is a little bit worried
Oh dear, I am a little bit worried today because it was Sheila sheep's birthday yesterday and I am not sure if the postman with the red van has delivered her present yet. I do hate to be late with things, but as Sheila sheep lives far far away at the seaside, it is a long way for the postman to drive to.
I will just have to be patient. Pearl always tell me that patience is a virtue and that everything is always alright in the end.
Anyway, what I am going to do to stop me worrying is to give Sheila sheep this lovely pot of flowers in my thoughts, as I know that it is always the thought that counts the most. I know that she will catch my thoughts in her head and receive the flowers. So until the postman delivers her gift, she will be happy to have the thoughtful flowers.
I do so hope she had lots of fun on her birthday and I do so especially hope that she had a scrumptious birthday cake to share with Mark mole and maybe even Fifi fish, if she could find her. If Sheila sheep could have been here at Clover Cottage we would have had a party and Pearl would have baked one of her most delicious cakes. I wish everyone good and lovely thoughts today as thoughts really do count!
Love from Sherbetx
I will just have to be patient. Pearl always tell me that patience is a virtue and that everything is always alright in the end.
Anyway, what I am going to do to stop me worrying is to give Sheila sheep this lovely pot of flowers in my thoughts, as I know that it is always the thought that counts the most. I know that she will catch my thoughts in her head and receive the flowers. So until the postman delivers her gift, she will be happy to have the thoughtful flowers.
I do so hope she had lots of fun on her birthday and I do so especially hope that she had a scrumptious birthday cake to share with Mark mole and maybe even Fifi fish, if she could find her. If Sheila sheep could have been here at Clover Cottage we would have had a party and Pearl would have baked one of her most delicious cakes. I wish everyone good and lovely thoughts today as thoughts really do count!
Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 5 July 2012
It is Sheila Sheep's birthday today !
It is my dear friend Sheila Sheep's birthday today so I am sending her a million rainbow coloured blessings and I hope she has a wonderful year full of happiness and fun. She is far far away so I have given a gift to the postman with the red van. he lives in the village at the other end of Wiggleway Lane and I hope he can deliver it to her safely.
Love from Sherbet, Pearl, Doodle and Mango xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Love from Sherbet, Pearl, Doodle and Mango xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sherbet is very upset over a horrible, horrible thing that happened at Clover Cottage
A horrible, horrible thing happened today here in my kitchen at Clover Cottage. Oh, it is so terrible I can hardly find the words to tell you. It upset me so much that I don't even want to bring the memory back to myself but maybe it will make me feel better to tell you.
Here goes. I had just had my breakfast and I was putting my boots on, when a lovely grey pigeon flew into my kitchen. Birds often fly into my kitchen as I like to leave my door and windows open. I always welcome the birds in as I do love them sharing my home.
Anyway I went into my garden leaving the bird to fly around in my house as it pleased, I was just watering my lettuce when I heard a terrible commotion happening in my kitchen. I rushed in and I saw the most frightful thing. The naughty cat from Greengate farm had crept into my kitchen through the open door and had caught the lovely grey bird! I could do nothing to save it, the cat ran straight out of my kitchen with the already dead bird in it's mouth. Oh how sad it made me feel. I even shed a little tear for the bird but felt comfort knowing that he was now happily flying around in bird heaven. Oh but that naughty, naughty cat! I looked around again and there he was sitting under my oak tree licking his lips as though he had just eaten one of Pearl's best chocolate cakes.
I told him he was a very naughty cat indeed and sent him straight back to Greengate Farm. I hope he never comes here to hunt for birds again. I want my birds to feel safe here at Clover Cottage, it always has been a safe haven for all the little creatures. Love from Sherbetx
Here goes. I had just had my breakfast and I was putting my boots on, when a lovely grey pigeon flew into my kitchen. Birds often fly into my kitchen as I like to leave my door and windows open. I always welcome the birds in as I do love them sharing my home.
Anyway I went into my garden leaving the bird to fly around in my house as it pleased, I was just watering my lettuce when I heard a terrible commotion happening in my kitchen. I rushed in and I saw the most frightful thing. The naughty cat from Greengate farm had crept into my kitchen through the open door and had caught the lovely grey bird! I could do nothing to save it, the cat ran straight out of my kitchen with the already dead bird in it's mouth. Oh how sad it made me feel. I even shed a little tear for the bird but felt comfort knowing that he was now happily flying around in bird heaven. Oh but that naughty, naughty cat! I looked around again and there he was sitting under my oak tree licking his lips as though he had just eaten one of Pearl's best chocolate cakes.
I told him he was a very naughty cat indeed and sent him straight back to Greengate Farm. I hope he never comes here to hunt for birds again. I want my birds to feel safe here at Clover Cottage, it always has been a safe haven for all the little creatures. Love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Sherbet is invited to ride on a canal boat on the river
Oh what a wonderful adventure I am having today. I have been invited to ride on a canal boat on a beautiful stretch of river in the countryside. As you can see I am wearing my best dungarees that were made especially for me by Kathy cat. I had to ride my bike quite a long way to get here but what a delightful time I am having! Here you can see me sitting inside and sitting outside on the boat. I must say I found it hard to keep my balance perched on the edge of the boat like that and I was worried that I may feel a little sea sick (or river sick) but I was very brave, I kept my head up and concentrated on rainbow coloured thoughts.
I am now sitting inside the boat just watching the view of the river bank as it goes by, I am hoping to see some swans and ducks. It is all so exciting as I have never been on a boat like this before. I do wish you could all be here with me as it really is such fun.
I don't want this adventure to end, I do so love adventures! I am sending you all hugs and blessings from the middle of this peaceful river and hope that you all have a lovely day too.
Love Sherbetx
I am now sitting inside the boat just watching the view of the river bank as it goes by, I am hoping to see some swans and ducks. It is all so exciting as I have never been on a boat like this before. I do wish you could all be here with me as it really is such fun.
I don't want this adventure to end, I do so love adventures! I am sending you all hugs and blessings from the middle of this peaceful river and hope that you all have a lovely day too.
Love Sherbetx
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
Sherbet has delightful memories of the seaside
Oh, hello Everyone, I am still dreaming about the wonderful time I had at the seaside with my old friend Sheila Sheep. I must tell you that I actually went into the sea, it was a bit cold but I put my head under the water and could not believe my eyes when I saw lots of beautiful, rainbow coloured fish swim right past my nose. I was a little afraid that my wool would soak up all of the seawater and make my head too heavy to lift out again but it was OK, I managed to pull my head up. When I did though I felt something tickling my ears, Sheila Sheep told me I had seaweed stuck to my wool and she very kindly picked it all off for me so that I would not look silly walking home. Anyway I must also tell you that I did find Fifi Fish again as I had hoped I would. I went to the exact same spot on the beach where I first met her, I called her name and up she popped out of the water. How wonderful to see her again, how delightful to see her little fishy face smiling at me. We had a lovely chat together and I told her I would visit her again next time I came to the seaside, unfortunately she cannot visit me as she cannot stay out of the water for long, but if she could get to Clover Cottage I do have my garden pond that she could stay in, I am sure my frogs would welcome her. Back to my lovely seaside memories, I had such a relaxing time with Sheila Sheep, we had lovely long walks on the beach and we sat in the sand dunes eating delicious picnics. I have to tell you though that when the wind blew sand into my sandwich I did not at all enjoy eating the crunchy sandy bits that stuck to my bread. Not yummy at all! The weather was just perfect though, not hot and not cold, just lovely, breezy, soft wind blowing my woolly coat around. It was the kind of weather that makes me feel truly blessed to be alive. Ah, how wonderful to be living on this planet Earth with all of it's rainbow coloured happenings. We are all so blessed. Love from Sherbetx
Monday, 2 July 2012
Sherbet is back from the seaside but very tired
Hello dear friends everywhere.
I have just arrived back from my little holiday at the seaside and I am very, very tired after my long journey. The sea air has been very good for me, it is little bit different from my lovely fresh country air here at Clover Cottage and it has left me feeling feel full of lovely rainbow colours. As I am so very tired I am going to have a long sleep in my cosy bed and when I wake up I will tell you all about my adventures at the seaside. See you all tomorrow, I should be awake by then.
Huge rainbow coloured blessings to you all. Love Sherbetx
I have just arrived back from my little holiday at the seaside and I am very, very tired after my long journey. The sea air has been very good for me, it is little bit different from my lovely fresh country air here at Clover Cottage and it has left me feeling feel full of lovely rainbow colours. As I am so very tired I am going to have a long sleep in my cosy bed and when I wake up I will tell you all about my adventures at the seaside. See you all tomorrow, I should be awake by then.
Huge rainbow coloured blessings to you all. Love Sherbetx
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