Hello everyone,
I feel like a bit of a change of scene so I have decided to go and visit Sheila Sheep at the seaside.
I cannot wait to have lovely long walks along the beach and breathe in that delicious fresh sea air. I must tell you that I do so love the seagulls that swoop and fly above my head. I love to hear seagull noises first thing in the morning as I am waking up, sometimes I think I would like to be a seagull, they seem so light and free soaring towards the clouds, not at all like me in my big woolly coat. Sometimes though they can be very naughty indeed. I remember one time when I was sitting on the sand with Sheila Sheep enjoying a wonderful picnic when a seagull swooped right down and snatched my sandwich out of my hand! Now there is a funny thing - I just realised that I said SAND wich and I was sitting on the SAND !!
Anyway, yes, seagulls can be very naughty but I still love them just as I love all the creatures on this planet Earth.
I do hope it does not rain at the seaside as I do not want to have a soggy woolly coat on the beach but at the same time I do hope it rains at Clover Cottage while I am away so that my one pink rose and my vegetable garden stay healthy and happy. I will talk to you all when I get back, I will be away for a few days. I am so looking forward to seeing Sheila Sheep again as I do miss her so much and I am also secretly hoping that I will find Fifi Fish at the same place in the sea as I last saw her. Oh there is so much to look forward to. Love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Sherbet loves to sit in silence
I just feel like sitting in my garden today.
I love to just sit here in silence. I love to just empty all of the thoughts out of my mind and leave a big space in there and just wait to see what comes into my head! Sometimes when I am sitting here like this, the most wonderful ideas pop into my head, it's a bit like those times at 4 am in the morning when I wake up to find I have written a poem in my head and I just have to write it down quickly in the notebook I keep by my bed, before I forget it.
So, goodbye for now, I wish you all a lovely quiet day full of rainbow coloured blessings. I am going to sit here quietly in my garden at Clover Cottage. I do so hope it doesn't rain. Love from Sherbetx
I love to just sit here in silence. I love to just empty all of the thoughts out of my mind and leave a big space in there and just wait to see what comes into my head! Sometimes when I am sitting here like this, the most wonderful ideas pop into my head, it's a bit like those times at 4 am in the morning when I wake up to find I have written a poem in my head and I just have to write it down quickly in the notebook I keep by my bed, before I forget it.
So, goodbye for now, I wish you all a lovely quiet day full of rainbow coloured blessings. I am going to sit here quietly in my garden at Clover Cottage. I do so hope it doesn't rain. Love from Sherbetx
Monday, 25 June 2012
Sherbet has good news about the mystery sheep
Hello everyone, Do you remember I told you about the mystery sheep that I found in my garden?
Well, she has been staying with me for a few days as she seemed to be a little lost sheep. She has been having a wonderful time leaping about in the daisies here in my garden at Clover Cottage and she has certainly enjoyed sharing Pearl's delicious home made jam and scrumptious bread with me, she has not been the least bit worried. She is very young. I have asked my sheep friends from far far away if they were missing a sheep but she did not seem to be missed by anyone. I decided to ask the farmer at Greengate farm if he knew her. Good news came today. He has just told me that a little sheep has been missing from another farm all the way over the other side of the hills, far away from Wiggleway Lane. Oh my goodness, no wonder she was so tired when she arrived here, she must have walked for ages. The farmer has kindly offered to take her back for me as she would not fit in my bicycle basket and there is only one seat on my bike. This afternoon I will say goodbye to her, I will miss her as she was very nice company but I am so happy for her that she is not lost anymore. Love from Sherbetx
Well, she has been staying with me for a few days as she seemed to be a little lost sheep. She has been having a wonderful time leaping about in the daisies here in my garden at Clover Cottage and she has certainly enjoyed sharing Pearl's delicious home made jam and scrumptious bread with me, she has not been the least bit worried. She is very young. I have asked my sheep friends from far far away if they were missing a sheep but she did not seem to be missed by anyone. I decided to ask the farmer at Greengate farm if he knew her. Good news came today. He has just told me that a little sheep has been missing from another farm all the way over the other side of the hills, far away from Wiggleway Lane. Oh my goodness, no wonder she was so tired when she arrived here, she must have walked for ages. The farmer has kindly offered to take her back for me as she would not fit in my bicycle basket and there is only one seat on my bike. This afternoon I will say goodbye to her, I will miss her as she was very nice company but I am so happy for her that she is not lost anymore. Love from Sherbetx
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Sherbet shares an important little poem
Happy Sunday to you all.
My goodness how time flies! I cannot believe it is a whole week since last Sunday. It makes me realise that I must never waste time. Oh! That reminds me of a little saying that I wrote down as a note to myself quite a long time ago when I was a much younger Sherbet Sheep. Here it is, I have never forgotten it.
You see, it is very easy to remember, as it is like a little poem. Now, that reminds me again that today I must not waste time so I am now going to go into my garden and see if there are any tasks that need doing, if not I will come back inside Clover Cottage and tidy up all of my bits and pieces. When I have done that I will relax and have a nice Sunday, but while relaxing I will make sure I still do not waste time and I will settle down under my oak tree and read some wise words from my wise words books. I send you all lots of lovely blessings on this lovely Sunny Sunday and I do so hope you all have a truly wonderful day today. Love from Sherbetx
My goodness how time flies! I cannot believe it is a whole week since last Sunday. It makes me realise that I must never waste time. Oh! That reminds me of a little saying that I wrote down as a note to myself quite a long time ago when I was a much younger Sherbet Sheep. Here it is, I have never forgotten it.
You see, it is very easy to remember, as it is like a little poem. Now, that reminds me again that today I must not waste time so I am now going to go into my garden and see if there are any tasks that need doing, if not I will come back inside Clover Cottage and tidy up all of my bits and pieces. When I have done that I will relax and have a nice Sunday, but while relaxing I will make sure I still do not waste time and I will settle down under my oak tree and read some wise words from my wise words books. I send you all lots of lovely blessings on this lovely Sunny Sunday and I do so hope you all have a truly wonderful day today. Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 23 June 2012
A pretty sheep arrives in Sherbet's garden !
A pretty sheep has arrived in my garden. How lovely!
Maybe she is one of my sheep friends from far far away that I have not yet met. Maybe she came on an aeroplane to visit me here at Clover Cottage. I certainly do not recognise her.
She certainly looks like she comes from a foreign land and she certainly does not look like the sheep that live at Greengate Farm. If my sheep friends from far far away are reading this. Do you recognise this sheep? Maybe she has come away for a holiday without telling anyone.
She is most welcome here and I will invite her to share my breakfast and all of my other meals, if she stays long enough, but I would not like to think that someone out there is worrying about her. Meanwhile until I can find out who she is, I will take very good care of her and make sure that she keeps safe and happy. Love from Sherbetx
Maybe she is one of my sheep friends from far far away that I have not yet met. Maybe she came on an aeroplane to visit me here at Clover Cottage. I certainly do not recognise her.
She certainly looks like she comes from a foreign land and she certainly does not look like the sheep that live at Greengate Farm. If my sheep friends from far far away are reading this. Do you recognise this sheep? Maybe she has come away for a holiday without telling anyone.
She is most welcome here and I will invite her to share my breakfast and all of my other meals, if she stays long enough, but I would not like to think that someone out there is worrying about her. Meanwhile until I can find out who she is, I will take very good care of her and make sure that she keeps safe and happy. Love from Sherbetx
Friday, 22 June 2012
Sherbet has very sad news from Kathy cat
Oh dear, I have had some very sad news from Kathy cat.
She has told me that Kizzy horse has fallen and hurt her leg. Kizzy is not a young horse anymore but she is a very special loving horse and Kathy cat really loves to ride her in the woods. Because of her injury, Kathy cat cannot ride Kizzy anymore and now she just takes her for walks. It is very sad for both of them because Kizzy loves taking Kathy for rides and Kathy loves riding Kizzy.
I am sending all of my best get well soon blessings to Kizzy horse and wish her many more rainbow coloured days with Kathy cat.
She has told me that Kizzy horse has fallen and hurt her leg. Kizzy is not a young horse anymore but she is a very special loving horse and Kathy cat really loves to ride her in the woods. Because of her injury, Kathy cat cannot ride Kizzy anymore and now she just takes her for walks. It is very sad for both of them because Kizzy loves taking Kathy for rides and Kathy loves riding Kizzy.
I am sending all of my best get well soon blessings to Kizzy horse and wish her many more rainbow coloured days with Kathy cat.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
A delicious apple pie is waiting for Sherbet.
Well, here I am the day after visiting Pearl's wonderful roadside stall. I chose to buy her delicious apple pie so it is now at Clover Cottage waiting patiently for me on my kitchen table.
I will invite Doodle, Mango and Pearl and also Marise Mouse if she is not busy doing her yoga, over to Clover Cottage this evening and we can all share it. I will make some lovely warm, runny custard to eat it with. Yummmmmy, I cannot wait! I am sure we will all have the most delightful evening and I am looking forward to all of the news from Pearl, as I think she made lots of new friends yesterday. Love from Sherbetx
I will invite Doodle, Mango and Pearl and also Marise Mouse if she is not busy doing her yoga, over to Clover Cottage this evening and we can all share it. I will make some lovely warm, runny custard to eat it with. Yummmmmy, I cannot wait! I am sure we will all have the most delightful evening and I am looking forward to all of the news from Pearl, as I think she made lots of new friends yesterday. Love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
You are all invited to visit Pearl at her magnificent roadside stall
Oh how exciting , here I am at Pearl's roadside stall, I just love everything that she has for sale on there.
Oh! There is her famous apple pie and her blackberry preserve and her carrot cake. Oh what complete yummyness! I see also that she has some of her home grown herbs, and those lovely sunflowers and some juicy grapes. She also has some of the peas that I gave her from my very own garden and some of my strawberries and apples. Well done Pearl, it all looks so magnificent. I do hope lots of Pearl's friends visit today to admire her delightful produce. Pearl is telling me that you are all very welcome indeed and she will give you all a refreshing glass of her homemade juice. Love from Sherbetx
Oh! There is her famous apple pie and her blackberry preserve and her carrot cake. Oh what complete yummyness! I see also that she has some of her home grown herbs, and those lovely sunflowers and some juicy grapes. She also has some of the peas that I gave her from my very own garden and some of my strawberries and apples. Well done Pearl, it all looks so magnificent. I do hope lots of Pearl's friends visit today to admire her delightful produce. Pearl is telling me that you are all very welcome indeed and she will give you all a refreshing glass of her homemade juice. Love from Sherbetx
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Sherbet has some exciting news about tomorrow
Here at Clover Cottage, it has not rained for quite a few days and I woke up worried about my one pink rose. After eating some delicious toast ( with my favourite home made bread left over from yesterday) with Pearl's home made blackberry preserve, I rushed into my garden to check on my rose and sure enough there was the poor little thing all wilted from lack of water. What a sad sight to behold! I ran to get my pink watering can, filled it with water and gave my dear, precious rose a wonderful long drink of water. It felt my love and I saw that it started to revive at once. It stood straight and proud again, splendid against the blue sky. Oh what a delight to see my rose back to complete health again!
I must tell you some exciting news. Tomorrow, Pearl will have a lovely road side stall full of her delicious home made produce and I invite you all to join me there. It is in the countryside near the other end of Wiggleway Lane, past the wooden village sign and opposite the big old oak tree. Pearl really does make the most scrumptious things and I know you all will enjoy the delightful sight of all her products on her stall. It will be truly magnificent! I do hope to see you all there. Love from Sherbetx
I must tell you some exciting news. Tomorrow, Pearl will have a lovely road side stall full of her delicious home made produce and I invite you all to join me there. It is in the countryside near the other end of Wiggleway Lane, past the wooden village sign and opposite the big old oak tree. Pearl really does make the most scrumptious things and I know you all will enjoy the delightful sight of all her products on her stall. It will be truly magnificent! I do hope to see you all there. Love from Sherbetx
Monday, 18 June 2012
Sherbet is enjoying such a wonderful breakfast
I am enjoying a wonderful breakfast this morning.
Henrietta, a very kind hen from Greengate farm has given me some lovely fresh eggs. How delicious they are!
I am sitting here at my kitchen table with my perfectly boiled egg in its spotty egg cup and I am eating it with the most scrumptious toast made with Pearl's home made bread. Early this morning Pearl knocked on my door and as she came in I smelled my favourite bread coming in with her. It is the one with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds in it. I am so blessed to have Pearl as my friend and so blessed that she makes me such delicious bread. Love from Sherbetx
Henrietta, a very kind hen from Greengate farm has given me some lovely fresh eggs. How delicious they are!
I am sitting here at my kitchen table with my perfectly boiled egg in its spotty egg cup and I am eating it with the most scrumptious toast made with Pearl's home made bread. Early this morning Pearl knocked on my door and as she came in I smelled my favourite bread coming in with her. It is the one with sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds in it. I am so blessed to have Pearl as my friend and so blessed that she makes me such delicious bread. Love from Sherbetx
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Sherbet is going to have a wonderful Sunday.
Happy Sunday to everyone, may your day be filled with sun - as it should be on a Sunday. The weather here at Clover Cottage is wonderful, one of those perfect days where it is warm but breezy at the same time. I am not hot and I am not cold I am just right, In fact I feel like the porridge in the story of the 3 bears.
I am just about to go for a lovely walk in the meadows around Wiggleway Lane. I do so love to be around all of the wild flowers and to sit in the long grass. I am going to take my picnic with me and just relax. I will sit in silence and listen for the buzzing bees and the tweeting birds. If I am lucky I will find some frogs too, to croak near to me. Oh what a pleasant day I will have. I wish all of you out there both near and far far away a wonderful, pleasant, bird tweeting, bee buzzing, frog croaking ( if you are lucky) relaxing day just like mine . Love from Sherbetx
I am just about to go for a lovely walk in the meadows around Wiggleway Lane. I do so love to be around all of the wild flowers and to sit in the long grass. I am going to take my picnic with me and just relax. I will sit in silence and listen for the buzzing bees and the tweeting birds. If I am lucky I will find some frogs too, to croak near to me. Oh what a pleasant day I will have. I wish all of you out there both near and far far away a wonderful, pleasant, bird tweeting, bee buzzing, frog croaking ( if you are lucky) relaxing day just like mine . Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Sherbet is just sitting here wondering
Hello everyone. Here I am just sitting here. Just sitting here wondering what I should do today.
I could weed my garden or I could go to the nearby village to buy more seeds or I could visit Doodle in his art studio or I could go to Mango's watering can and ask if he would like to join me for breakfast or I could make a delicious rainbow coloured cake or I could go for a walk along Wiggleway Lane or I could write some letters to my friends that live far far away or I could read my books with wise words in and learn something that would make me be a better Sherbet Sheep or I could do some yoga or I could count the frogs in my pond. Well, I could do one of those things or some of those things but I think I will just sit here where I am sitting and stay sitting here until I feel like not sitting here anymore . Love from Sherbetx
Friday, 15 June 2012
Sherbet had such a wonderful knitting day yesterday
What a delightful day I had yesterday at the Worldwide Knit In Public Day event. I now have lots of new friends. I had such fun sitting there in the village square.
I chatted to everyone and I had some scrumptious pieces of cake. I also really enjoyed some very delectable juice made from crunchy red and green apples picked from the local countryside trees. I am proud to say that I managed to knit a whole little rainbow coloured blanket. I will now give the blanket to a very nice charity where it will find a very good home.
I loved wearing my new clothes made for me by Kathy cat. Everyone told me I looked very handsome indeed and they also complimented me on my rainbow coloured knitting. Of course, it was Pearl who taught me to knit. She taught Doodle and Mango too. I think it would be a very nice idea if the next knitting day could be held at Clover Cottage. Everyone would be welcome. I have lots of grass we can sit on and lots of shade under my oak tree. We could have cupcakes and juice and lots of happy hours spent knitting and chatting. knit, knit, chat, chat, knit, knit, chat, chat. Oh yes that would be so delightful. Love from Sherbetx
I chatted to everyone and I had some scrumptious pieces of cake. I also really enjoyed some very delectable juice made from crunchy red and green apples picked from the local countryside trees. I am proud to say that I managed to knit a whole little rainbow coloured blanket. I will now give the blanket to a very nice charity where it will find a very good home.
I loved wearing my new clothes made for me by Kathy cat. Everyone told me I looked very handsome indeed and they also complimented me on my rainbow coloured knitting. Of course, it was Pearl who taught me to knit. She taught Doodle and Mango too. I think it would be a very nice idea if the next knitting day could be held at Clover Cottage. Everyone would be welcome. I have lots of grass we can sit on and lots of shade under my oak tree. We could have cupcakes and juice and lots of happy hours spent knitting and chatting. knit, knit, chat, chat, knit, knit, chat, chat. Oh yes that would be so delightful. Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Sherbet is going to knit with rainbow coloured wool today
Today, I am going to do something very different.
I have been invited to a special event for Worldwide Knit In Public Day. I imagine I have been chosen to attend this lovely gathering because I am covered in wool, maybe they will need me if they run out of wool for their knitting needles.
I am going to put on some of my new clothes that Kathy cat made me and I am going to pack up some knitting needles and rainbow coloured wool ( borrowed from Pearl) I will put it all in my bicycle basket along with some orange juice and I will ride my bike to another village a little bit far far away from Clover Cottage to join in a special day where I will sit and knit in public!
Oh what a happy day I will have sitting there, knitting in the middle of a village square. I have been told there will be cakes to eat so I will not need to take my picnic with me. It is all very exciting!
I am sure to meet lots of new friends. It would be so wonderful to see you all there. Don't forget to bring your knitting needles. Love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Sherbet has a very scary dream
Oh my goodness!
I woke up this morning feeling quite afraid.
I had a very scary dream last night. I dreamed that there were hundreds of big cats eyes staring at me, but they did not have any cat's heads on them, they were just eyes! Eyes of all different colours and sizes. They were coming closer and closer and closer and I could not move. I tried to close my own eyes so as not to look at them but I was in a dream and I could not close my eyes. I felt the cats eyes getting bigger and bigger and filling my whole bedroom. I was stuck and petrified and just as the eyes all started to cover me up completely I woke up. What a huge relief to wake up ! I was saved ! Even though I woke up afraid I soon realised that it had all been just a dream. Phew ! Love from a just woken up scared Sherbetx
I woke up this morning feeling quite afraid.
I had a very scary dream last night. I dreamed that there were hundreds of big cats eyes staring at me, but they did not have any cat's heads on them, they were just eyes! Eyes of all different colours and sizes. They were coming closer and closer and closer and I could not move. I tried to close my own eyes so as not to look at them but I was in a dream and I could not close my eyes. I felt the cats eyes getting bigger and bigger and filling my whole bedroom. I was stuck and petrified and just as the eyes all started to cover me up completely I woke up. What a huge relief to wake up ! I was saved ! Even though I woke up afraid I soon realised that it had all been just a dream. Phew ! Love from a just woken up scared Sherbetx
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Pearl bakes a delicious carrot cake
Yummy, Pearl is coming to Clover Cottage this morning to make me a delicious carrot cake.
I have picked a basket full of fresh, juicy carrots from my garden and they are patiently waiting on my kitchen table for Pearl to arrive. Mango will come to help us, he loves to help when Pearl bakes cakes. While Pearl prepares the other ingredients, I will peel the carrots and Mango will grate them. I am a little worried about Mango's delicate little hands, in case they get caught in the grater but he really wants to do it so I will just watch him carefully and have a box of plasters nearby just in case. I just cannot wait to smell that scrumptious cake as Pearl takes it out of the oven, I will invite Doodle over too today. I hope he can take time away from his art studio to join us as it is so lovely to be able to share slices of warm delicious carrot cake with all of my friends. If we have any carrots left over, I will mix them with apples from my tree and make some really special carrot and apple juice. Oh, I am really looking forward to all of these wonderful treats today. I do wish you could all join us in the scrumptiousness that we have in store at Clover Cottage. Love from Sherbetx
I have picked a basket full of fresh, juicy carrots from my garden and they are patiently waiting on my kitchen table for Pearl to arrive. Mango will come to help us, he loves to help when Pearl bakes cakes. While Pearl prepares the other ingredients, I will peel the carrots and Mango will grate them. I am a little worried about Mango's delicate little hands, in case they get caught in the grater but he really wants to do it so I will just watch him carefully and have a box of plasters nearby just in case. I just cannot wait to smell that scrumptious cake as Pearl takes it out of the oven, I will invite Doodle over too today. I hope he can take time away from his art studio to join us as it is so lovely to be able to share slices of warm delicious carrot cake with all of my friends. If we have any carrots left over, I will mix them with apples from my tree and make some really special carrot and apple juice. Oh, I am really looking forward to all of these wonderful treats today. I do wish you could all join us in the scrumptiousness that we have in store at Clover Cottage. Love from Sherbetx
Monday, 11 June 2012
Sherbet hopes to have visitors today
Welcome everyone, to Clover Cottage. I have come to my front door to see if I have any visitors today. The reason I am saying that is because Doodle told me that he saw lots of tourists in the village at the other end of Wiggleway Lane and I know that sometimes they like to come for a walk in the nearby countryside. Often they will find their way along Wiggleway Lane. They will pass Greengate Farm and then they will find themselves at my garden gate where they like to look over and admire my garden. I do so love having visitors, I always make sure I have lots of fresh mint in my herb garden to make a big pot of mint tea with. I love to sit around my kitchen table with new found friends having rainbow coloured conversations. I do so hope I have some visitors today. Love from Sherbetx
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Sherbet sends you all rainbow coloured blessings
Hello everyone. A very happy and blessed Sunday to you all. I am having a real day of rest today.
I have decided to sit on my grass and meditate, so here I am now sitting in perfect peace surrounded only by my tweeting birds and all the little creatures in my garden - that all seem to be still asleep ( except for my birds of course) I am sending you all rainbow coloured blessings and I hope you all have a lovely peaceful day too. Bye Bye for now. Love from Sherbetx
I have decided to sit on my grass and meditate, so here I am now sitting in perfect peace surrounded only by my tweeting birds and all the little creatures in my garden - that all seem to be still asleep ( except for my birds of course) I am sending you all rainbow coloured blessings and I hope you all have a lovely peaceful day too. Bye Bye for now. Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Sherbet has two pieces of good news.
Oh what a beautiful day it is today. Just the right amount of breeze and the right amount of sun and the right amount of rainbow coloured happiness in the atmosphere around Clover Cottage. I have two pieces of good news today. First, when I went out to inspect my garden for naughty caterpillars this morning, they had all disappeared! What a relief that I do not have to worry about them anymore. The second piece of good news is that my strawberry plant had made it's very first ripe, red strawberry. I picked it and ate it very slowly, delighting in it's deliciousness. I see that there is another strawberry not far behind that one and I am so looking forward to it ripening so that I can have one more strawberry. The weather has been just perfect lately and there has been just the right amount of rain to water my garden. I do hope it continues that way, it helps my strawberries to grow, soon there will be enough to give to Pearl for a new batch of strawberry jam. Yummy, I can just picture it now, toast, butter and home made strawberry jam for breakfast. I am so blessed to have such wonderful jam to look forward to and I am blessed also to have a wonderful friend like Pearl to make it for me. Love from Sherbetx
Friday, 8 June 2012
Sherbet has an invasion of hairy caterpillars
I slept all morning yesterday, that is why you did not hear from me. I am still feeling worn out since my amazing Jubilee party. However, I am back at work in my garden as there is always so much to do. I must tell you that I have had an invasion of funny little hairy caterpillars and they are really being so naughty, enjoying themselves enormously, eating up all the leaves on my salad plants.
Oh dear, I just do not know what to do, they are getting everywhere, even walking round and round the edges of my terracotta pots, going round and round and round and round until they are so dizzy that they fall off, well at least they don't eat the lovely basil and parsley that I am growing in those pots. I will just wait until tomorrow and if they are still there, I will have to invent a way to make them all leave my garden. Does anyone know something that caterpillars love to eat apart from the things in my garden, maybe I could put a saucer on the grass of something that they find more delicious than my lettuce. I wonder if they would like Pearl's blackberry preserve, I could try and put some down in a trail leading to my garden gate, maybe they will follow it and go away out to Wiggleway Lane.
I will wait until tomorrow then I will decide what to do. Love from Sherbetx
I will wait until tomorrow then I will decide what to do. Love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Sherbet had a wonderful day yesterday
was the most wonderful day yesterday. We all enjoyed my Jubilee garden
party so much. I must find lots of reasons to have lots more parties,
maybe just to celebrate life and happiness and blessings.
I am very tired today after all my hard work and all my dancing and
singing, so I am not going to do any work in my garden I am just going
to sit on my flower pot all day. I will see you all soon. Love from
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Sherbet has a delightful Jubilee garden party with his friends

Doodle Dog arrived with some special Union Jack flags that he had made for us to wave about and Mango Mouse brought his little friend Marise Mouse to join in our party. I am very delighted to tell you also that I had a surprise guest. Reginald Rabbit appeared under my oak tree just as I was coming out of my kitchen door. Oh how wonderful. I ran to greet him and gave him an enormous hug. Oh I have missed him so very much. His arrival has made my party an extra sparkly, diamond and rainbow coloured event. Oh what fun we all had. We sang and we sang some more and we danced and we danced some more. All around my garden we danced holding each other's hands until we could not dance anymore. We waved our flags and then we enjoyed a lovely picnic of cupcakes and fruit juice.

I could not have imagined a more perfect day even though a grey cloud did hover over us towards the end and rained on us a little bit. Luckily we had a huge umbrella to sit under so we all kept nice and dry. I will never forget this wonderful day. I am so blessed to have so many good friends to share happy times with. I am so grateful to them all for helping me with my party. Thank you everyone. Love from Sherbetx
Monday, 4 June 2012
Sherbet is preparing for a Jubilee garden party
Hello dear friends,
This is just a very quick note from me to say I am very busy preparing for a special garden party, in honour of the Queen of England's Diamond Jubilee on Tuesday. Here at Clover Cottage, I will gather together with several of my friends. We will decorate the garden with Union Jack flags, eat cup cakes made by Pearl and drink home made fruit juice. It will be such fun!
We may have a little dance around the garden too. Tomorrow I am expecting Kathy cat to arrive from far far away, she is bringing me some new clothes to wear for the jubilee party so please join us on that day. I will be very proud to show you my new outfit made especially for me by the very talented Kathy cat.
See you all soon. Love from Sherbetx
This is just a very quick note from me to say I am very busy preparing for a special garden party, in honour of the Queen of England's Diamond Jubilee on Tuesday. Here at Clover Cottage, I will gather together with several of my friends. We will decorate the garden with Union Jack flags, eat cup cakes made by Pearl and drink home made fruit juice. It will be such fun!
We may have a little dance around the garden too. Tomorrow I am expecting Kathy cat to arrive from far far away, she is bringing me some new clothes to wear for the jubilee party so please join us on that day. I will be very proud to show you my new outfit made especially for me by the very talented Kathy cat.
See you all soon. Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Sherbet has a delightful experience
had the most delightful experience today. I was just going into my
kitchen to make my breakfast when I noticed a very young bird sitting on
top of one of my picture frames. I knew it wanted to find a way out
and when it saw me it fluttered over to my kitchen window. The window
was closed and the bird was jumping up and down, bumping itself against
the clear glass. I went over to help it. I had opened the window to
let it out but it was still jumping around the window frame so I gently
directed it to the open window. Do you know what happened next? The baby
bird jumped onto my hand and just sat there, it was not afraid of me
and was quite content. It was a very precious moment for me as it was of
course a wild bird and it is not often I have the wonderful opportunity
to have one of my garden birds sitting in my hand. I stood quietly and
treasured those few moments with the innocent, trusting little bird
and after a while it realized that the world it knew was just outside
the open window so it flapped it’s little wings and off it went. I feel
very blessed to have had that memorable encounter with the baby bird
today. Love from Sherbetx
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