HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of my friends from nearby and far far away.
Oh how exciting ! It is nearly the year 2013. That sounds to me like sometime in the distant future, like a science fiction film. I wonder where all of these years go to when they have passed into the past. I imagine that they go to a special room in the sky that stores our memories for us.
As you know I live a very quiet life here at Clover Cottage and I have planned to have a nice cosy new years eve dinner with Doodle, Pearl and Mango. We are then going to lay on our backs on the grass in my garden and look up at the stars and wait until midnight to see the fireworks that will be springing up from the village behind the hill at the other end of Wiggleway Lane.
I must tell you though that my neighbours at Greengate farm are already having a big party.
I truly wish all of my friends and the whole wide world too, a peaceful, happy, blessed, healthy, love filled, rainbow coloured 2013. Love from your dear and loyal friend Sherbet Sheep on the last day of the year 2012 x
Monday, 31 December 2012
Sunday, 30 December 2012
The rain has stopped in Sherbet's garden
Oh thank goodness, the rain has stopped and the birds are nice and dry. They are singing sweetly in the trees again.
My garden looks lovely and green. The rain has freshened everything up and the grass has a delicious, wet grassy smell. It smells almost good enough to eat, like fresh green peas.
That reminds me, I think I will go and make a delcious pea soup.
Love from Sherbetx
My garden looks lovely and green. The rain has freshened everything up and the grass has a delicious, wet grassy smell. It smells almost good enough to eat, like fresh green peas.
That reminds me, I think I will go and make a delcious pea soup.
Love from Sherbetx
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Rain, Rain, Rain
Oh dear that means that the naughty slugs will come out of their hiding places and try to eat my spinach plants.
I do love it when it rains though, as it means I can sit peacefully in my cosy cottage and read my wise words books. An added bonus is that I do not have to worry about watering my plants.
It makes me happy too, to see my frogs leaping about in joy but I worry about the poor birds I wonder where they go.
They must get very wet indeed and I am sure their nests cannot be very comfortable when they are all damp and cold.
If I could I would invite them all into my cottage until the rain passes but as you know it is not easy to make birds stay still long enough to ask them.
Maybe I will see a rainbow
Love from Sherbet x
Thursday, 27 December 2012
All is well at Clover Cottage
What a nice restful day I am having. I have had a walk around my garden and checked on my plants and all of the little creatures. I am happy to tell you that they are all very well indeed. The blackbirds are singing in the oak tree, the hedgehogs are sleeping peacefully under the bush, the caterpillars are hiding in the cabbage patch and the frogs are happy, croaking in the pond. All is well and peaceful at Clover Cottage. Love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Sherbet counts his blessings
Well here I am at Pearl's house with the wonderful gingerbread houses that she made. Now they are finished and decorated, and she has very kindly allowed me to show them to you. How very clever she is.
I am so grateful to have had a lovely Christmas day with my dear friends Doodle, Mango and Pearl. We shared a truly scrumptious dinner together and we counted our blessings all throughout the day. How fortunate we are to have so many blessings to count.
We made sure that we had some quiet time to send love and light to all the humans and to all the creatures big and small who are not as fortunate as we are and do not have many blessings to count. Love from Sherbetx
I am so grateful to have had a lovely Christmas day with my dear friends Doodle, Mango and Pearl. We shared a truly scrumptious dinner together and we counted our blessings all throughout the day. How fortunate we are to have so many blessings to count.
We made sure that we had some quiet time to send love and light to all the humans and to all the creatures big and small who are not as fortunate as we are and do not have many blessings to count. Love from Sherbetx
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Happy Christmas to all of my friends
Hooray! It is Christmas day. I want to wish all of my dear, wonderful friends from nearby and far far away, a very happy day today .
Pearl has invited me , Doodle and Mango to her house for a delicious Christmas dinner. She has made a very beautiful Christmas tree just for us. How kind she is. I must tell you also that Pearl is making the most scrumptious gingerbread house cakes. She has not quite finished them so she will not yet let me show you a picture but I will show you tomorrow, that is if I don't eat them all up first. Love from Sherbetx
Pearl has invited me , Doodle and Mango to her house for a delicious Christmas dinner. She has made a very beautiful Christmas tree just for us. How kind she is. I must tell you also that Pearl is making the most scrumptious gingerbread house cakes. She has not quite finished them so she will not yet let me show you a picture but I will show you tomorrow, that is if I don't eat them all up first. Love from Sherbetx
Monday, 24 December 2012
Oh! It is nearly Christmas
Oh, I almost forgot. It is nearly Christmas day.
I have been so busy here at Clover cottage and I live such a quiet life here with my garden and my little creatures that I did not realise what day it was.
I truly wish my friends from nearby and far far away the most wonderful rainbow coloured day tomorrow, the 25th December. I know that some of my friends live in such far away places that they may not celebrate that day as we do here in Wiggleway Lane but I still wish them a day filled with love, happiness, peace and rainbows.
Love from your friend Sherbet x
I have been so busy here at Clover cottage and I live such a quiet life here with my garden and my little creatures that I did not realise what day it was.
I truly wish my friends from nearby and far far away the most wonderful rainbow coloured day tomorrow, the 25th December. I know that some of my friends live in such far away places that they may not celebrate that day as we do here in Wiggleway Lane but I still wish them a day filled with love, happiness, peace and rainbows.
Love from your friend Sherbet x
Friday, 21 December 2012
Sherbet waits for the end of the world
You may be surprised to see me here because someone told me that the end of world was coming.
I waited and I waited and |I waited. I sat on my flowerpot and waited but guess what happened ? NOTHING !!
I am still here and so are you otherwise you wouldn't be able to read this.
I also heard something much, much nicer. I heard that there is going to be more love in the world and more rainbow coloured days and more big smiley faces, so that is really good news indeed.
Love from Sherbetx
I waited and I waited and |I waited. I sat on my flowerpot and waited but guess what happened ? NOTHING !!
I am still here and so are you otherwise you wouldn't be able to read this.
I also heard something much, much nicer. I heard that there is going to be more love in the world and more rainbow coloured days and more big smiley faces, so that is really good news indeed.
Love from Sherbetx
Sherbet is going home today
Here I am, a little bit hidden away from the big wide world. I am ready to go home to Clover Cottage now. I will be very sorry to leave my dear friend Sheila sheep, we have had such fun and have laughed a lot and talked a lot, but now I must go back to Pearl, Doodle and Mango. It is nearly Christmas and they will be expecting me to be back home to take care of all the little creatures in my garden. I know that Pearl will be making a delicious Christmas pudding to her grandmother's recipe and Doodle will have put up a beautiful Christmas tree in my garden. Little Mango will be having an adventure getting lost in the pine needles on the tree, I am sure of that. I have some gifts for my dear friends in my suitcase and now I must say goodbye to the seaside and to Sheila sheep. I will come again soon when it is a brand new year, the year 2013.
Love from Sherbetx
Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Sherbet and the seagulls
Can you see me? I am a little bit further away than usual. I have come down to the beach one last time before I go back to Clover Cottage.
What a beautiful day it is. A light breeze is swirling around my ears and the seagulls are crying all around me. Oh how I love seagulls! How wonderful to be able to fly and glide through the sky in complete freedom as they do. How beautiful they are, they remind me of one of my favourite stories all about a seagull called Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Jonathan Seagull has a message for the whole world. Here it is .
" You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way "
Love from a very free and peaceful Sherbet sheep, here and now with no-one standing in my way x
What a beautiful day it is. A light breeze is swirling around my ears and the seagulls are crying all around me. Oh how I love seagulls! How wonderful to be able to fly and glide through the sky in complete freedom as they do. How beautiful they are, they remind me of one of my favourite stories all about a seagull called Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Jonathan Seagull has a message for the whole world. Here it is .
" You have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way "
Love from a very free and peaceful Sherbet sheep, here and now with no-one standing in my way x
Monday, 17 December 2012
Sherbet goes back to the cafe
Oh don't I look content!
I have been to Cafe Blah Blahh again and I have eaten 2 huge, delicious cup cakes.
I must say I am having a very relaxing time here at the seaside. The weather has been just perfect . Not too hot, not too cold, not too rainy and not too windy. I had hoped to see the Queen again but today she was not there.
I heard she is expecting to have a new grandchild so I think she must be busy knitting little socks or maybe even a nice, comforting blanket made out of the softest, cuddliest wool.
I do hope she finds time to come to the cafe tomorrow I would love to share another pot of tea with her .
Now I hope you will forgive me but I am very tired after my long day and my eyes keep dropping asleep without me asking them to, so I will say goodbye for now and I will see you again soon. Lots of pure rainbow coloured love from Sherbetx
I have been to Cafe Blah Blahh again and I have eaten 2 huge, delicious cup cakes.
I must say I am having a very relaxing time here at the seaside. The weather has been just perfect . Not too hot, not too cold, not too rainy and not too windy. I had hoped to see the Queen again but today she was not there.
I heard she is expecting to have a new grandchild so I think she must be busy knitting little socks or maybe even a nice, comforting blanket made out of the softest, cuddliest wool.
I do hope she finds time to come to the cafe tomorrow I would love to share another pot of tea with her .
Now I hope you will forgive me but I am very tired after my long day and my eyes keep dropping asleep without me asking them to, so I will say goodbye for now and I will see you again soon. Lots of pure rainbow coloured love from Sherbetx
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Sherbet is missing Reginald rabbit today
![]() |
It is 2 years since my dear friend Reginald Rabbit went to live in a very special, peaceful place far far away.
I do miss him very very much indeed but I know he is really happy to be where he is and for that I am very glad . So I am happy for him but sad at the same time. I know I was extremely blessed to have had him in my life for such a long time and I want to send him a special angel to watch over him in his new home and tell him how very grateful I am for every single thing he did for me.
Dear Reginald rabbit, I can feel your love and I know you can feel mine.
I am so happy that you are free and in peace. All my love from your very dear friend Sherbet sheepxxx
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Yippee! I am so excited . Today I went to Sheila sheep's favourite cafe at the seaside which is called Cafe Blah Blahh and guess who I met there? Well it is a little bit silly for me to ask that actually as you can see my picture! YES! I met the Queen of England ! What fun it was. She introduced me to her corgis, who were being very well behaved under the table and she invited me to share a lovely pot of tea with her. Oh what a thoroughly pleasant time I had chatting to the Queen. We talked about my garden at Clover cottage and I asked her about her garden parties. I especially wanted her advice about the kind of hat I should wear when I attend the next one ! ( I will need to give Kathy cat plenty of notice to make me a very special hat ) The Queen was very kind indeed, she complimented me on my patriotic outfit and suggested I wear it when I visit her at Buckingham Palace.
What a wonderful afternoon I had
I do hope I see her again at this very same cafe .
I offered to take her corgis for a walk on the beach with me tomorrow but she told me that they can be very naughty indeed and may try to run off so I think it is best that I do not take them; or the headlines in the newspapers the next day would say -
- and that would make me feel very silly and very sorry indeed.
I would be famous all over the world for being the one who lost the Queen of England's corgis! Oh dear I must not let that happen!
I want to give special thanks to the very famous Cafe Blah Blahh for allowing the Queen's corgis to come into the cafe and for the delicious pot of royal tea and also the very warm welcome they gave me. I will be back to visit them very, very soon to enjoy one of their very scrumptious cup cakes. Love from a very contented Sherbet sheepx
What a wonderful afternoon I had
I do hope I see her again at this very same cafe .
I offered to take her corgis for a walk on the beach with me tomorrow but she told me that they can be very naughty indeed and may try to run off so I think it is best that I do not take them; or the headlines in the newspapers the next day would say -
- and that would make me feel very silly and very sorry indeed.
I would be famous all over the world for being the one who lost the Queen of England's corgis! Oh dear I must not let that happen!
I want to give special thanks to the very famous Cafe Blah Blahh for allowing the Queen's corgis to come into the cafe and for the delicious pot of royal tea and also the very warm welcome they gave me. I will be back to visit them very, very soon to enjoy one of their very scrumptious cup cakes. Love from a very contented Sherbet sheepx
Monday, 10 December 2012
Sherbet is having his seaside adventures
At last I have started to have adventures at the seaside. I have had a very nice rest indeed so it is time for me to spend some time with my dear friend Sheila sheep, walking along the beach and sharing healthy picnic food in the sand dunes.
As you can see I am wearing my very best patriotic clothes as I hope to meet the Queen of England later .
In fact, I may even see her today walking her corgis along this very beach which is not very far from her country house.
I know I have to be very careful not to burn my ear tops in the sun. The hat that Kathy cat so kindly made me does not protect my ears and I will feel very silly indeed if my ear tops turn bright pink.!
Now, as you can see from the picture here I really did feel very hot indeed in my lovely clothes so I am cooling off with my shell collection and my seagull's feather. Yes I know you are thinking
But I promise you I was very careful indeed and soon went to shelter on the steps of a delightful blue beach hut.
You may have noticed that I have some fresh dry clothes on as I must admit I got a little bit wet paddling in the sea. I was trying to find Clive crab who lives nearby. I am afraid he must have been out as there was no sign of him today.
Love from your very sandy but happy friend Sherbetx
As you can see I am wearing my very best patriotic clothes as I hope to meet the Queen of England later .
In fact, I may even see her today walking her corgis along this very beach which is not very far from her country house.
I know I have to be very careful not to burn my ear tops in the sun. The hat that Kathy cat so kindly made me does not protect my ears and I will feel very silly indeed if my ear tops turn bright pink.!
But I promise you I was very careful indeed and soon went to shelter on the steps of a delightful blue beach hut.
You may have noticed that I have some fresh dry clothes on as I must admit I got a little bit wet paddling in the sea. I was trying to find Clive crab who lives nearby. I am afraid he must have been out as there was no sign of him today.
Love from your very sandy but happy friend Sherbetx
Friday, 7 December 2012
Happy birthday to the person who created me
Happy Birthday today to my wonderful friend and the person who created me.
She put me on this earth, gave me Clover Cottage to live in and helped me make my amazing garden. I am very grateful for her love and I wish her a wonderful birthday full of smiles and healthy, rainbow coloured birthday food.
Now, I know you may not have seen me here for a while and may have missed my stories but I decided when I reached the seaside and Sheila sheep's lovely home that I would relax and rest and give myself a lovely peaceful time I have used my time to be quiet, to meditate and to read my books. Now I am nearly ready to have seaside adventures with Sheila sheep. I am looking forward to going to her favourite cafe which is called Cafe Blah Blahh and I really hope to meet the Queen of England there. I am saying this because one of her country homes is nearby and I know that she loves to have her cup of tea in that very special cafe, especially as they do allow her corgis to go in with her.
I will share my adventures with you very, very soon. Love and rainbow coloured blessings to you all. Sherbetx
She put me on this earth, gave me Clover Cottage to live in and helped me make my amazing garden. I am very grateful for her love and I wish her a wonderful birthday full of smiles and healthy, rainbow coloured birthday food.
Now, I know you may not have seen me here for a while and may have missed my stories but I decided when I reached the seaside and Sheila sheep's lovely home that I would relax and rest and give myself a lovely peaceful time I have used my time to be quiet, to meditate and to read my books. Now I am nearly ready to have seaside adventures with Sheila sheep. I am looking forward to going to her favourite cafe which is called Cafe Blah Blahh and I really hope to meet the Queen of England there. I am saying this because one of her country homes is nearby and I know that she loves to have her cup of tea in that very special cafe, especially as they do allow her corgis to go in with her.
I will share my adventures with you very, very soon. Love and rainbow coloured blessings to you all. Sherbetx
cafe Blah Blahh,
Happy birthday,
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Sherbet is meditating at the seaside
Hello dear friends , I do miss you all and I have not written lately
because I am having lovely quiet rest at the seaside and I just want
to meditate and stay in peace. I will then have my seaside adventures
with Sheila sheep and tell you all about them soon but at the moment I
am having a very good rest indeed . Love from Sherbet .
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Sherbet has arrived at the seaside but is very tired
Oh hello dear friends, I must tell you that I have arrived at the seaside and I am very happy indeed to see the smiley face of my old friend Sheila sheep again. I see that she has had her wool cut into a very lovely wavy style and she looks very beautiful indeed .
I am afraid I am not very good company for her yet though because I am very, very tired after my long journey so I am not quite ready to enjoy lovely long walks along the beach. I am going to rest and sleep for a long time until I have my strength back then when I wake up I will have a spring in my step again and I will start to enjoy my little holiday by the sea and the very delightful company of my dear friend Sheila sheep. I will see you all again when I wake up !
Love from a very sleepy Sherbet sheep x
I am afraid I am not very good company for her yet though because I am very, very tired after my long journey so I am not quite ready to enjoy lovely long walks along the beach. I am going to rest and sleep for a long time until I have my strength back then when I wake up I will have a spring in my step again and I will start to enjoy my little holiday by the sea and the very delightful company of my dear friend Sheila sheep. I will see you all again when I wake up !
Love from a very sleepy Sherbet sheep x
Monday, 26 November 2012
Sherbet is going to the seaside
Well, as you can see I am a little bit dressed up today. I have started to pack my suitcase because soon I will be leaving to stay with Sheila sheep at the seaside. Oh what fun I will have. I am so looking forward to having long walks along the beach, frolicking in the sand dunes and then relaxing in a wonderful cafe that Sheila sheep is going to take me to, called Cafe Blah Blahh. I have heard that they make the most delicious healthy food and I am really hoping to meet the Queen of England there too as I know she has a country house nearby and she may just pop in for a cup of tea while I am there.
I will talk to you again when I am settled into Sheila sheep's house and when I have unpacked my suitcase.
Love from Sherbetx
I will talk to you again when I am settled into Sheila sheep's house and when I have unpacked my suitcase.
Love from Sherbetx
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Sherbet has a visit from his very good friends Eli and Ada
Happy Sunday to all of my dear friends both nearby and far far away. I
truly wish you all a very blessed, happy day with lots of joy and
I must tell you that 2 of my very special friends, who have moved far far away came back to visit me. Their names are Eli and Ada and they are very good indeed and almost never naughty. They are very clever and artistic and create so many beautiful things. They came here all the way from far far away to enjoy a very special Thanksgiving day and were staying just at the other end of Wiggleway Lane, around a corner and along a very bumpy road indeed! Today they are travelling back to their new home on a big aeroplane. I will miss them very much indeed until I see them again.
So, that is all for now. I have some very exciting stories to tell you very soon but for now I will have a little rest and talk to you again tomorrow.
By the way I am not sure if I showed you the drawing book I bought myself in Paris so here it is. Oh please do forgive me if you have already seen it but I am very proud of it and I plan to do my very best drawings in it !
Love from Sherbetx
I must tell you that 2 of my very special friends, who have moved far far away came back to visit me. Their names are Eli and Ada and they are very good indeed and almost never naughty. They are very clever and artistic and create so many beautiful things. They came here all the way from far far away to enjoy a very special Thanksgiving day and were staying just at the other end of Wiggleway Lane, around a corner and along a very bumpy road indeed! Today they are travelling back to their new home on a big aeroplane. I will miss them very much indeed until I see them again.
So, that is all for now. I have some very exciting stories to tell you very soon but for now I will have a little rest and talk to you again tomorrow.
By the way I am not sure if I showed you the drawing book I bought myself in Paris so here it is. Oh please do forgive me if you have already seen it but I am very proud of it and I plan to do my very best drawings in it !
Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of my friends
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of my friends both nearby and far far away who are celebrating this wonderful day.
It is a day when we count our blessings and give thanks for them.
I am counting each one of my blessings here at Clover Cottage and I am very, very grateful to be such a very fortunate and blessed Sherbet sheep.
I have invited Pearl, Mango and Doodle to share a delicious dinner with me this evening. I have picked one of my best and biggest pumpkins from my vegetable garden and Pearl has promised to make us all a scrumptious pumpkin pie.
Oh, I am so looking forward to sharing a happy evening full of gratitude with my very best friends.
Love from a very thankful Sherbet sheep x
It is a day when we count our blessings and give thanks for them.
I am counting each one of my blessings here at Clover Cottage and I am very, very grateful to be such a very fortunate and blessed Sherbet sheep.
I have invited Pearl, Mango and Doodle to share a delicious dinner with me this evening. I have picked one of my best and biggest pumpkins from my vegetable garden and Pearl has promised to make us all a scrumptious pumpkin pie.
Oh, I am so looking forward to sharing a happy evening full of gratitude with my very best friends.
Love from a very thankful Sherbet sheep x
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Sherbet is here again
At last here I am. I have been a very naughty Sherbet sheep as I have not written my stories for lots of days now.
You see, I have not been feeling in my best health. The cough I had in Paris has not gone completely away and I have been staying at Pearl's house where she has been looking after me with delicious home made soup and hot tea and lovely soothing drinks made with lemon and honey to make my cough go away.
I am feeling a little bit better and I also have something wonderful to look forward to.
When I am perfectly well I am going to visit Sheila sheep at the seaside and she is going to take me to a very famous cafe called Cafe Blah Blah.
It is not too far from where the Queen of England has one of her country houses and I hope that the day I go the Queen will be in there having a nice cup of tea. What a lovely surprise that would be for me and what fun!
That's all for now. Here is picture of me keeping very warm sitting on the radiator in Manu mouse's house in Paris.
Love from your dear friend Sherbetx
You see, I have not been feeling in my best health. The cough I had in Paris has not gone completely away and I have been staying at Pearl's house where she has been looking after me with delicious home made soup and hot tea and lovely soothing drinks made with lemon and honey to make my cough go away.
I am feeling a little bit better and I also have something wonderful to look forward to.
When I am perfectly well I am going to visit Sheila sheep at the seaside and she is going to take me to a very famous cafe called Cafe Blah Blah.
It is not too far from where the Queen of England has one of her country houses and I hope that the day I go the Queen will be in there having a nice cup of tea. What a lovely surprise that would be for me and what fun!
That's all for now. Here is picture of me keeping very warm sitting on the radiator in Manu mouse's house in Paris.
Love from your dear friend Sherbetx
Friday, 9 November 2012
Sherbet visits Marie mouse's design studio
I am at home again now, back at Clover Cottage, after my long train journey from Paris.
I am a little bit tired and have a little bit of a cough but I am content to be back looking after my garden and the little creatures that live there
My last morning in Paris was very pleasant indeed. I did feel well enough to go and visit my dear friend Marie mouse in her brand new design studio. I loved riding on the metro and needed to change trains only once. Luckily I could just about reach the ticket machine ! Then from the metro station I had a walk of about 5 minutes and there she was! I found her in a quiet, narrow street ! Her name was written on the door and I could see her inside . How exciting it was and how wonderful to see her again and to see the lovely place where she works all day long. I could not resist having my picture taken in there with all the lovely brushes and rainbow coloured paints. I cannot wait to go and visit her again!
Love from Sherbetx .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I am a little bit tired and have a little bit of a cough but I am content to be back looking after my garden and the little creatures that live there
My last morning in Paris was very pleasant indeed. I did feel well enough to go and visit my dear friend Marie mouse in her brand new design studio. I loved riding on the metro and needed to change trains only once. Luckily I could just about reach the ticket machine ! Then from the metro station I had a walk of about 5 minutes and there she was! I found her in a quiet, narrow street ! Her name was written on the door and I could see her inside . How exciting it was and how wonderful to see her again and to see the lovely place where she works all day long. I could not resist having my picture taken in there with all the lovely brushes and rainbow coloured paints. I cannot wait to go and visit her again!
Love from Sherbetx .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Mixed mushrooms for dinner Yummy!
Here I am with a delicious selection of mushrooms. We bought them from the shop around the corner but it is just the right time of year to go into the woods and collect them.
I must tell you that Mango's Aunty Manu and I had the most wonderful dinner with these mushrooms. It was truly scrumptious. I wish I could find these in the woods near Wiggleway Lane but I do not think they grow there. It is just as well because I know that to gather mushrooms from the forests I would have to be very, very careful as there could be some very dangerous mushrooms indeed. I have a book at Clover Cottage that teaches me about collecting wild mushrooms but I would still be afraid to do it without the help of a mushroom expert !
I am feeling a little bit better today. I am resting and keeping warm and I will go to bed early tonight . Tomorrow afternoon I am going back to Clover Cottage on the big train from Paris. I will be very sad to leave, I have had a wonderful time but I have to get back to look after my garden and all the little creatures that live there.
Here are some of the delicious berries and home made jam that I saw in the market. What a wonderful time of year ! So many yummy things to eat. I am sure Pearl has made lots of jam too. I will look forward to sharing a lovely breakfast of toast and jam with her when I get back to Clover Cottage. Love from Sherbetx
I must tell you that Mango's Aunty Manu and I had the most wonderful dinner with these mushrooms. It was truly scrumptious. I wish I could find these in the woods near Wiggleway Lane but I do not think they grow there. It is just as well because I know that to gather mushrooms from the forests I would have to be very, very careful as there could be some very dangerous mushrooms indeed. I have a book at Clover Cottage that teaches me about collecting wild mushrooms but I would still be afraid to do it without the help of a mushroom expert !
I am feeling a little bit better today. I am resting and keeping warm and I will go to bed early tonight . Tomorrow afternoon I am going back to Clover Cottage on the big train from Paris. I will be very sad to leave, I have had a wonderful time but I have to get back to look after my garden and all the little creatures that live there.
Here are some of the delicious berries and home made jam that I saw in the market. What a wonderful time of year ! So many yummy things to eat. I am sure Pearl has made lots of jam too. I will look forward to sharing a lovely breakfast of toast and jam with her when I get back to Clover Cottage. Love from Sherbetx
What a wonderful day for President Obama ! He has been elected President of the United States of America again.
I am so happy for him . I am still in Paris so I am sending him this lovely bottle of French champagne to help him celebrate.
So - To President Obama from Sherbet Sheep of Clover Cottage in Wiggleway Lane CONGRATULATIONS
I am so happy for him . I am still in Paris so I am sending him this lovely bottle of French champagne to help him celebrate.
So - To President Obama from Sherbet Sheep of Clover Cottage in Wiggleway Lane CONGRATULATIONS
Sherbet has seen so much scrumptious food
Here I am again , the very famous French Sherbet sheep in Paris. My very favourite city.
I have been walking around today looking at all the delicious food that is absolutely everywhere.
So many things are reminding me of my lovely country life back at Clover Cottage . Even though we are in a city I am still surrounded by rainbow coloured, freshly gathered vegetables and the most scrumptious, crusty, tasty bread .

I must tell you though that I was right about my sore throat. I now have a nasty cold and a very runny nose indeed! I am going to stay in the warm today and try and get well.
I am usually a very healthy Sherbet sheep. Perhaps it was all that rain, or maybe I picked up a horrible germ from the crowded metro train. Well I just hope I feel better tomorrow as I did want to visit a very good friend of mine, Marie mouse who has a design studio here in Paris.
Meanwhile I must tell you that Aunty Manu mouse has bought a truly delicious mixture of wild mushrooms and scrummy bunches of herbs . We will cook them this evening for our dinner.
Oh well that is all for now. I must rest as I am feeling a little bit unwell. Love from Sherbetx
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Sherbet has fun going out to a bistro
I must tell you that I had a lot of fun going out to a bistro in a lovely little Parisian street.
I am sure they are not used to seeing a sheep like me sitting on the table. The chairs were a little bit too big for me, not like Clover Cottage at all!
I had a truly delightful time reading the menu all in French . I must say that I did remember the French I learned at sheep school very well indeed.
I am not used to going out in the dark.
but here I am. You can see a picture of me below on my walk back from the bistro
Where I live in Wiggleway Lane I only go out in daylight so it was fun for me to see the bright lights in Paris
I have lots of photos to show you of my adventures so I will put some here today and put some more tomorrow.
The only problem I had was that it has been raining a lot here in Paris and I did want to sit on the grass in front of the Eiffel Tower and have my photo taken.
The grass is wet and I don't think it is good for me to sit on it. I must say that I am a little bit worried as I have a little bit of a sore throat and I think it means that I may get a cold . Oh dear!
On my home from the bistro, very near to Aunty Manu's house I saw a sign that reminded me of the new French Sherbet sheep that I have become in Paris.
You see, as I said a minute ago I do not go out at night usually, and now I have been very brave and gone out in the dark! The little sign below is showing this new brave Sherbet sheep!
I am very proud of myself .
I know you may think I look a little bit drunk after my evening out in Paris, because my clothes are all crooked, but you know me very well by now and you know I never drink anything except mint tea, water, hot chocolate, freshly squeezed juices and home made lemonade.
I think I must ask Kathy cat to make me a raincoat because I really do not like my wool to get wet in the rain or maybe I can find an umbrella that is small enough for me.
When I arrived back to Aunt Manu's house, I was so tired that I could hardly walk up the stairs. I have such little legs and the stairs are so steep and go up in a big spiral. I just had to sit down a minute and rest. There is a funny little sign on the old wooden stairs. I am sure it has been there for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years just like the very squeaky floorboards In Mango's Aunt Manu's house.
It means WIPE YOUR FEET PLEASE !! So I did!
Love from a very tired and happy Sherbet sheepx
Monday, 5 November 2012
Sherbet's delicious French breakfast
Oh what a delicious French breakfast I had this morning.
I woke up early and when I looked out of the window I saw that it was a little bit rainy here in Paris. Mango's Aunt Manu was still sleeping so I crept out trying not to squeak the floorboards too much. I took myself on a lovely walk around the corner to a very special boulangerie where I found 2 beautiful crunchy crusted baguettes.
The rain had stopped and I managed to get them home free of raindrops and soggy bits.
Aunt Manu had made us a lovely hot pot of tea and had put out 2 kinds of scrumptious home made jam
( confiture). One was made of some special red peaches called vinyard peaches that grow on a tree in Manu's mother's garden, and the other one was made of juicy French apricots. I could not decide which was the best so I was a little bit greedy and spread both of them on my bread. Yummy yum, I enjoyed my breakfast so much, what a treat it was for me .
It was Sunday yesterday and it was very quiet in the streets around Manu's house. We both went out and walked and walked, looking in the delightfully beautiful shop windows as we went, the sky was blue, and it was not very cold. We are eating so much delicious food every day that we wanted to get lots of exercise and so we did, but when we came home we both felt very tired and just flopped down and relaxed with a lovely cup of tea. Yesterday I had bought myself a lovely present from a wonderful shop. A brand new drawing book. Here it is in my picture. Doodle will be very proud of me that I am taking the time to draw while I am here.
I must rush off now as we are going to eat in a very cosy Parisian bistro. I will talk to you all again tomorrow. Love and hugs from a very French Sherbet sheepx
I woke up early and when I looked out of the window I saw that it was a little bit rainy here in Paris. Mango's Aunt Manu was still sleeping so I crept out trying not to squeak the floorboards too much. I took myself on a lovely walk around the corner to a very special boulangerie where I found 2 beautiful crunchy crusted baguettes.
The rain had stopped and I managed to get them home free of raindrops and soggy bits.
Aunt Manu had made us a lovely hot pot of tea and had put out 2 kinds of scrumptious home made jam
( confiture). One was made of some special red peaches called vinyard peaches that grow on a tree in Manu's mother's garden, and the other one was made of juicy French apricots. I could not decide which was the best so I was a little bit greedy and spread both of them on my bread. Yummy yum, I enjoyed my breakfast so much, what a treat it was for me .
It was Sunday yesterday and it was very quiet in the streets around Manu's house. We both went out and walked and walked, looking in the delightfully beautiful shop windows as we went, the sky was blue, and it was not very cold. We are eating so much delicious food every day that we wanted to get lots of exercise and so we did, but when we came home we both felt very tired and just flopped down and relaxed with a lovely cup of tea. Yesterday I had bought myself a lovely present from a wonderful shop. A brand new drawing book. Here it is in my picture. Doodle will be very proud of me that I am taking the time to draw while I am here.
I must rush off now as we are going to eat in a very cosy Parisian bistro. I will talk to you all again tomorrow. Love and hugs from a very French Sherbet sheepx
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Paris adventures with Sherbet Sheep. What fun!
Oh my goodness, I am having such a wonderful time here in my favourite city, Paris. One of the reasons that I love it here so much is all of the scrumptious food I can see everywhere in every single street and every single market.
It is so delightfully rainbow coloured and it reminds me of my vegetable garden at Clover Cottage except that I could not hope to grow all of the magnificent things I see here. Every grocery and food shop window and market stall is truly a visual feast and my mouth is watering on every corner.
I am going to put lots of my photos on my stories pages while I am here so that you can share my experience with me. I wish you could all be walking around these lovely streets with me. It is a little bit cold but I have my woolly coat to keep me warm. As you can see I am wearing a new French beret made for me by the very talented Kathy cat. She is truly very clever indeed .
I found the very smelly cheese shop that is near to Mango's Auntie's house. I know that both Mango mouse and Manu mouse just love that smelly cheese but I just want to run away from
it ! I think you can see from my picture how very smelly it is, you may even be able to smell
it ! I found myself missing Clover Cottage a little bit when I saw a big bunch of carrots that looked a lot like the ones I grow in my garden, How beautiful they were, with lush green leaves and the best orange colour, just like carrots should be.
Tomorrow I will walk and walk and walk again. I might have a lovely ride on the metro too I know that I am only a little Sherbet sheep but I am a very adventurous sheep and I like to fill my days up with happy things. I wonder what fun things I will see tomorrow. I will wake up very early and I will go to the shop around the corner and buy a delicious, crunchy crusted baguette for breakfast.
I must say that I ended my perfect day with a last look at the famous, magnificent Eiffel Tower.
I am very grateful to have had such a lovely day today. I am very blessed and cannot wait until tomorrow. I wonder what surprises will be in store for me as I wander around the streets again. There is so much to see and to love here.
When I went back to Mango's Aunty Manu mouse's house, I tiptoed along on her squeaky floorboards ( they still squeaked loudly) and flopped down in absolute tiredness. Oh what happy dreams I will have tonight. Goodnight everyone. See you tomorrow.
From a very tired but happy Sherbet Sheepx
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Sherbet has arrived in Paris. What fun!
Bonjour dearest friends from nearby and far far away. I am here in Paris ! I am a little bit tired and am just resting after my long journey. It was a very exciting journey, I travelled all the way from Clover Cottage and Wiggleway Lane to a huge train station in London called St Pancras. Then I went on a very big, long, silver train called Eurostar. It went from London all the way to the middle of Paris. I had seat by the window but I couldn't see out of the windows very well as I am only a very little Sherbet sheep but in any case the train went under the sea inside a big dark tunnel so it didn't matter much that I couldn't see and when the daylight came back again I was in France ! What totally scrumptious fun, I do love to travel. It only took me two and a half hours and then there I was right in the middle of Paris and everyone was speaking French so I had to remember everything I had learned at school very quickly ! Fun! Fun ! Fun!. I am a very fortunate Sherbet sheep because Mango's wonderful Aunt Manu
( Manu mouse) was waiting to meet me. I gave her a great big hug and she took me to her very cosy, warm house. I must say that her house is very old and has the squeakiest floorboards I have ever walked on in my life! I am so happy to be here though it is truly a wonderful rainbow coloured adventure. I will be staying here for nearly one week. and you know me, I will eat lots and lots of healthy, scrummy food. Of course !. Salut ! Love from Sherbetx
( Manu mouse) was waiting to meet me. I gave her a great big hug and she took me to her very cosy, warm house. I must say that her house is very old and has the squeakiest floorboards I have ever walked on in my life! I am so happy to be here though it is truly a wonderful rainbow coloured adventure. I will be staying here for nearly one week. and you know me, I will eat lots and lots of healthy, scrummy food. Of course !. Salut ! Love from Sherbetx
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Sherbet has very exciting news indeed
I am sitting here on my flowerpot and I am feeling so excited . I have some wonderful news to tell you. My dear little friend Mango mouse told me that his Aunty, who lives in Paris has invited me to visit her.( I think maybe she needs help with her garden ! ) I have decided to go tomorrow. Oh what very good fun! I love Paris so much, I really do think it is my very favourite city in the whole wide world. Mango's Aunty is called Manu mouse, Mango told me that Manu is short for Emmanuelle which is a very long name indeed and I am glad I will not have to call her that when I go. Maybe I should call her Aunty Manu even though she isn't my own Aunty. I am sure she will not mind. I have heard that she is very kind and lives in a warm, cosy house so I am looking forward to staying with her. Mango told me that there is a shop near Aunty Manu's house that sells lots of different kinds of cheese which he and his Aunty just love to eat. I myself do not eat that French cheese as some of it is very smelly indeed . I am very tired now so I have to get a good night's sleep to make me bright and fresh for my wonderful adventures in Paris. Goodnight dear friends. Happy dreams. Love from Sherbetx
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